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21. Soil An overview of the soil of the lithosphere, from your About.com Guide to Geography. http://geography.about.com/od/physicalgeography/a/soil.htm | |
22. Soil Water Conservation Society International organization of more than 10000 professionals and students involved in conservation. Publishes The Journal of soil and Water Conservation. http://www.swcs.org/ | |
23. ScienceDirect - Applied Soil Ecology, Volume 39, Issue 2, Pages 109-244 (June 20 Longterm effects of inorganic fertilizers on microbial biomass and community functional diversity in a paddy soil derived from quaternary red clay http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/09291393 | |
24. Soil - Definition From The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary Definition of soil from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/soil | |
25. Soil.org soil.org. soil Archaeology Science Nature Landscaping Plants. banner. soil Archaeology icon soil. icon Archaeology. icon Science. icon http://www.soil.org/ | |
26. Soil 1) soil provides this important ingredient for plant growth One answer only. 2) Very fine part of soil which feels like a powder when it is dry http://web.dps.k12.va.us/ParkAve/soil.htm | |
27. Soil Science Society Of America Journal Web site for soil Science Society of America Journal. http://soil.scijournals.org/ | |
28. Martian Soil - Daily News On The Planet Mars Daily weblog covering all the latest news in international Planet Mars exploration efforts. http://www.martiansoil.com/ | |
29. SCIENCES Of SOILS - Home Page SCIENCES of soilS The first Online Journal for the soil Sciences. http://hintze-online.com/sos/ | |
30. The Environmental Literacy Council - Soil soils are one of the most critical natural resources. Vital, healthy soils are necessary to support plant growth and agriculture; without the oxygen and http://www.enviroliteracy.org/subcategory.php/36.html | |
31. Free Soil Free soil has produced a run of FRUIT wrappers, a website, and a traveling installation as part of an initiative to inform people about alternative food http://www.free-soil.org/ | |
32. Soil Orders This system for classifying soils is one of the most widely used soil classification systems in the world. Collection of information and images to http://soils.ag.uidaho.edu/soilorders/ | |
33. Soil Erosion Site soil erosion is a major global environmental problem. This site gives reliable and accessible information on erosion s causes, impacts, and control. http://soilerosion.net/ | |
34. Ovid: Welcome To OvidSP gateway.ovid.com/ovidweb.cgi?T=JS MODE=ovid NEWS=n PAGE=toc D=ovft AN=00010694000000 - Similar pages soil Liquefaction Web SiteAbout this phenomenon that is responsible for much structural damage in earthquakes. Includes physical explanation, photos of past events, http://gateway.ovid.com/ovidweb.cgi?T=JS&MODE=ovid&NEWS=n&PAGE=toc&D=ovft&AN=000 |
35. IUSS - International Union Of Soil Sciences The global union of soil scientists. News about international meetings and publications. Lists of officers, commissions, committees and groups. http://www.iuss.org/ | |
36. Geography4Kids.com: Biosphere: Soils Although soil has many uses, it is really just a layer of dirt between the atmosphere and the bedrock in the tectonic plates. The top layer of the planet is http://www.geography4kids.com/files/land_soil.html | |
37. Department Of Soil, Water, And Climate University of Minnesota. Site gives information about degree and post graduate courses, faculty, research activities and outreach programmes. http://www.soils.umn.edu/ | |
38. SOiL â Listen Free At Last.fm Listen to soil (Halo, Pride more). Tagged as metal, hard rock, rock. People who like soil also like Drowning Pool, Disturbed, StaticX. Learn more about http://www.last.fm/music/SOiL | |
39. Soil Biology Biochemistry - Elsevier soil Biology Biochemistry publishes original and scientifically challenging research articles and short communications that present new findings and their http://www.elsevier.com/locate/soilbio | |
40. Biological Soil Crust Web Site A clearing house for information about Biological soil Crusts. http://www.soilcrust.org/ | |
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