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61. Untitled Document www.spacekids.com/ 4k - space Needle restaurant and observation deck, make reservations, see the Live Cam, take a virtual tour, http://www.spacekids.com/ |
62. Sacred Space - Daily Prayer Online Sacred space is a prayer site, updated daily, which guides you through a ten minute session of prayer, centred on a passage of scripture chosen specially http://www.sacredspace.ie/ | |
63. Welcome To Space Camp® Online A fiveday program with activities including simulated space shuttle missions, training simulators, and lectures on space exploration. http://www.spacecamp.com/ | |
64. Earth From Space A dataset of selected astronaut acquired imagery of earth. http://earth.jsc.nasa.gov/sseop/efs/ | |
65. Hearts Of Space www.hos.com/ spaceFeatures a variety of resources for space exploration and introduction to space flight. Includes many interactive and 3D animated views. http://www.hos.com/ |
66. Deep Space 1 Project homepage for the first of the New Millennium Program missions, testing a variety of advanced spacecraft technologies. http://nmp.nasa.gov/ds1/ | |
67. NASA - JPL Solar System Simulator A NASA/JPL/Caltech spyglass on the cosmos. Select from the options to have the simulator create a color image of your favorite planet or satellite. http://space.jpl.nasa.gov/ | |
68. Space | NASA | Solar System | Planets | Shuttle | Astronomy - FOXNews.com space, NASA, solar system, planets, shuttle, astronomy FOXNews.com. Latest space news. Reports on NASA, solar system, planets, shuttle and astronomy. http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/space/ | |
69. WNYC - Radiolab: Space (May 12, 2006) In the 60s, space exploration was an American obsession. But the growing reality of space has turned the romance to cynicism. We chart the path from then http://www.wnyc.org/shows/radiolab/episodes/2006/05/12 | |
70. Welcome To The NSSDC! Provides access to a wide variety of astrophysics, space physics, solar physics, lunar, and planetary data from NASA space flight missions, in addition to http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/ | |
71. Space Weather Center: The Sun, Plasmas, Aurora, And Storms In Space. The story of space weather effects. From the plasma state of matter and the Sun, to forecasting auroras and storms in Earths magnetic field. http://www.spaceweathercenter.org/ |
72. Lockheed Martin Space Day - Lockheed Martin Space Day (Home) space Day web site to support the official space Day event, the first Thursday of every May. http://www.spaceday.org/ | |
73. Space Image Libraries spacerelated image directory by Oklahoma State University, USA. http://www.okstate.edu/aesp/image.html | |
74. Main Page - Crystal Space 3D A free (LGPL) and portable 3D engine written in C++. It runs on GNU/Linux, Windows, and MacOS/X and supports many modern 3D features like shaders, http://www.crystalspace3d.org/ | |
75. The First African In Space Project In April 2002, a citizen of an African country launched into space and journeyed to the International space Station. This website is your guide to the http://www.africaninspace.com/ | |
76. Blog In Space :: By PayPerPost.com Since then the media has continued to broadcast messages from I Love Lucy to the five o clock news into space, potentially reaching intelligent alien life http://www.bloginspace.com/ | |
77. Spitzer Space Telescope NASA s Spitzer space Telescope is a spacebased infrared observatory, part of NASA s Great Observatories program (which also includes Hubble, Chandra, http://www.spitzer.caltech.edu/ | |
78. Bluehost.com Symphony space fosters artistically and culturally diverse performing arts, literary, and film programs that bring artists and audiences together in an http://www.symphonyspace.org/ | |
79. Technology News: Space Shuttle Endeavour and a crew of seven blasted into orbit Tuesday on what was to be the longest space station mission ever, a 16day voyage to build a gangly http://www.technewsworld.com/perl/section/space/ | |
80. RussianSpaceWeb.com History and news on the Russian space program by Anatoly Zak. http://www.russianspaceweb.com/ | |
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