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21. Precision Drummers SQUID Drawing from a wide range of drumming influences, squid has developed a unique, unconventional show which has earned them comparisons to Stomp and other http://www.tastysquid.com/ | |
22. The UnMuseum - The Giant Squid The existence of the giant squid, genus Architeuthis, is well accepted by science though few have ever been seen. Here, teens will be able to discover the http://unmuseum.mus.pa.us/squid.htm | |
23. Squid News - Internet Ftw Lol squid News is a news site for geeks who want to rule the world. Entertaining and techy stuff from Australia and beyond. http://www.squidnews.com/ | |
24. Laughing Squid Web Hosting » Home Founded in 1998, Laughing squid Web Hosting is an independently owned and operated web host, based out of San Francisco, that provides friendly, http://laughingsquid.net/ | |
25. Octopus, Squid, Cuttlefish, And Nautilus - The Cephalopod Page The Cephalopod Page features the class of marine mollusks that includes nautilus, squid, cuttlefish, and octopus. Some of Dr. Wood s recent work was http://www.thecephalopodpage.org/ | |
26. Squid Block 1 This image (and the two closeup views below) show a preserved squid dissection encased in a lucite block. During the dissection, a midline incision was http://bioweb.uwlax.edu/zoolab/Table_of_Contents/Lab-5b/Squid_Block_1/squid_bloc | |
27. Flickr: Laughing Squid w/a cam to his eye and his tenacle(s) on the pulse L. squid is the nexus for more of the fringe than one would have thought possible and has been networking http://www.flickr.com/people/laughingsquid/ | |
28. SquidNT www.serassio.it/squidNT.htm 1k - squlpture and sqribbles! Need illustration and graphic design? squid recommends http//bybai.net http://www.serassio.it/SquidNT.htm | |
29. Squid IPhone Case Each case features a distressed texture that reveals a squid design on the front, that continues onto the back. The distressed pattern is created with black http://shanalogic.com/item.php?item_id=1623 |
30. The Sci-Fi Channel Can Eat Our Shorts!: Space Squid Scifi And Humor Space squid funny scifi! awardwinning stories! guaranteed to be more (intentionally) funny than the Sci-Fi Channel. http://spacesquid.com/ | |
31. The Squid And The Whale (2005) Directed by Noah Baumbach. With Owen Kline, Jeff Daniels, Laura Linney. Based on the true childhood experiences of Noah Baumbach and his brother, The squid http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0367089/ | |
32. Squidfingers / Patterns Linkware seamless background patterns free for download. http://squidfingers.com/patterns/ | |
33. Blocking Banner Ads With Squid squid has the ability to spawn a few child processes whose job is to rewrite URLs on the fly. Mostly, this is used to redirect requests for commonly http://taz.net.au/block/ | |
34. Talking Squid Every year, Talking squid tries to bring readers a list of recommended stories to consider nominating for the Ditmar Awards. This year we have run out of http://www.talkingsquid.net/ | |
35. The Squid's Ear The squid s Ear Writing about unusual and experimental music, The squid s Ear is the companion magazine to the online music shop squidco ! http://www.squidsear.com/ | |
36. Squid NTLM Authentication Project Should you decide to write your own helper modules, you could use the reference document for the squidto-NTLM-helper protocol. http://squid.sourceforge.net/ntlm/ | |
37. Crystal Squid Home Offers original Java puzzle games including Bee Mania and Traffic Jammer. Includes news and message forum. http://www.crystalsquid.com/ | |
38. Squid Works If you DO review any of the books seen here, please let us know, because it could mean FREE merchandise for you from squid Works! http://www.squidworks.com/ | |
39. Schneier On Security: Friday Squid Blogging: Squid T-Shirts I think the SFWA one is a reference to Margaret Atwood s comment that science fiction is all about talking squids in space (in support of her strange http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2008/03/friday_squid_bl_112.html | |
40. El Squid Roe - Cabo Mexico -= Elsquidroe.com =- Welcome to elsquidroe.com ,Here you will find our history, our Menu, Our Bar Celebrities, The Wall of Shame (our daily picture Gallery), and our Ecoupons http://www.elsquidroe.com/ | |
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