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41. Electronic And Information Technology Accessibility Standards (Section 508) Agencies cannot claim a product as a whole is not commercially available because no product in the marketplace meets all the standards. http://www.access-board.gov/sec508/standards.htm | |
42. InfoWorld - Internet Standards, Network Standards And Privacy Issues Infoworld has the latest reviews and information on internet standards, security standards, wireless standards, java standards, privacy issues, http://www.infoworld.com/techindex/standards.html | |
43. Linux Standard Base (LSB) - The Linux Foundation The goal of the Linux Standard Base (LSB) is to develop and promote a set of standards that will increase compatibility among Linux distributions and enable http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/LSB | |
44. WFMC.org Standards- WfMC Standards Framework With standards users can have confidence that essential criteria will be met, hence reducing the risk involved. This clearly becomes of paramount importance http://www.wfmc.org/standards/framework.htm | |
45. ISTE | National Educational Technology Standards Goal is to develop standards that will guide educational leaders in planning for effective use of technology to support learning, teaching, and educational http://cnets.iste.org/ | |
46. Web Design References: Standards, Guidelines And Patterns Web Design References News and info about web design and development. The site advocates accessibility, usability, web standards and many related topics. http://www.d.umn.edu/is/support/Training/Online/webdesign/standards.html | |
47. IAB - Ad Unit Guidelines standards, Guidelines Best Practices Guidelines Best Practices Ad Campaign Measurement and Audit Guidelines. Ad Unit Guidelines http://www.iab.net/iab_products_and_industry_services/1421/1443/1452 | |
48. The Standards standards for the English Language Arts The vision guiding these standards is that all students must have the opportunities and resources to develop the http://www.ncte.org/about/over/standards/110846.htm | |
49. State Board Of Education Academic Standards Academic standards Abstract Site Tools These academic standards are available in html format on the Pennsylvania Code Web Site. http://www.pde.state.pa.us/stateboard_ed/cwp/view.asp?Q=76716 |
50. Indiana's Academic Standards Indiana s Academic standards Dr. Suellen Reed Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction standards Resources Professional Development http://www.doe.state.in.us/standards/welcome.html | |
51. K-12 Content Standards Superintendent Tom Horne Horne s Speeches Articles Find a School School/Dist/AZ Report Cards Programs Teacher Certification standards Accountability Board http://www.ade.az.gov/standards/contentstandards.asp | |
52. Curriculum And Standards www.myscschools.com/offices/cso/ http://www.myscschools.com/offices/cso/ | |
53. NEMA - Standards And Publications Electrical standards and Publications published by NEMA. http://www.nema.org/stds/ | |
54. Education World® : U.S. Education Standards Several national and education organizations have taken on the voluntary challenge of creating educational standards or guidelines to be used on a national http://www.education-world.com/standards/national/index.shtml | |
55. SAE Technical Standards Development Leading the industry in standards development and research SAE standards Forums Ground Vehicle Technical Committees Aerospace Technical Committees Public http://www.sae.org/standardsdev/ | |
56. Wisconsin Model Academic Standards Home Page Summary Introduction to Wisconsin s Model Academic standards, a directory/table of contents to the publication of documents related to what standards http://dpi.wi.gov/standards/ | |
57. Web Standards Group - Welcome To The Web Standards Group The Web standards Group is for web designers developers who are interested in web standards (HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS, XSLT etc. http://webstandardsgroup.org/ | |
58. ITEA's Technology For All Americans Project Click here to view the Technological Literacy standards Briefings videos. Cover of standards for Technological Literacy Content for the Study of http://www.iteaconnect.org/TAA/Publications/TAA_Publications.html | |
59. Government Auditing Standards (The Yellow Book) The Advisory Council on Government Auditing standards will meet Monday, February 25, 2008, from 830 a.m. to 430 p.m., in room 7C13 of the Government http://www.gao.gov/govaud/ybk01.htm | |
60. Content Standards - Oregon Department Of Education Academic Content standards identify what Oregon students are expected to know and be able to do in the content areas of English language arts, mathematics, http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/results/?id=53 |
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