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61. IEEE - IEEE Standards Association IEEE standards is a world leader in the development and dissemination of voluntary, consensusbased industry standards involving today s leading-edge http://www.ieee.org/web/standards/home/index.html | |
62. ISTE | NETS Site Map Email a Friend Legal Information Privacy Policy ISTEĀ® is a registered trademark of the International Society for Technology in Education. http://www.iste.org/standards/ | |
63. Academic Standards To find the K12 Minnesota Academic standards for language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and the arts, choose a subject from the links at http://education.state.mn.us/mde/Academic_Excellence/Academic_Standards/index.ht | |
64. Hawaii's Implementation Of Standards-Based Education Our standards set the course, while students, families, and community fill the sails with expectation as we voyage with the treasure of bright, http://doe.k12.hi.us/standards/ | |
65. Curriculum And Standards ed.sc.gov/agency/offices/cso/ Similar pages NSTA National Science Education standardsThe National Science Education standards were produced by the National Research Council in 1995 and published in 1996. The standards were the result of four http://ed.sc.gov/agency/offices/cso/ | |
66. ASTM International ASTM International is an open forum for the development of highquality, market-relevant technical standards for materials, products, systems, and services http://www.astm.org/ |
67. Give.org BBB Wise Giving Alliance standards for Charity Accountability (effective Do you wish to provide comment(s) on the standards for Charity Accountability? http://www.give.org/standards/index.asp | |
68. Standards Remark Another source for standards is the European Commission s OII Open Information Interchange service., in particular their page on security http://www.semper.org/sirene/outsideworld/standard.html | |
69. ETSI Seeks to produce the telecommunications standards that will be used throughout Europe and beyond. http://www.etsi.org/ | |
70. Developing Educational Standards Their support has set a standard all its own. The contents of this site may be reproduced for noncommerical purposes. All you have to do is ask - and make http://www.edstandards.org/Standards.html | |
71. About Standards AIIM s standards Program develops and promotes high quality Enterprise Content Management (ECM) standards, recommended practices, technical reports, http://www.aiim.org/standards.asp?ID=28639 |
72. LCME Accreditation Standards LCME standards for accreditation leading to the MD degree. http://www.lcme.org/standard.htm | |
73. ESRI Interoperability And Standards Our current products have appropriate open application programming interfaces and support key data interchange formats and Web services standards for http://www.esri.com/software/standards/index.html | |
74. Section 508: Summary Of Section 508 Standards The standards define the types of technology covered and set forth provisions that establish a minimum level of accessibility. http://www.section508.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=Content&ID=11 |
75. The Eighteen National Geography Standards An outline with excerpts from the publication of the same title produced by the National Geographic Research and Exploration. An educational guide that http://www.ncge.org/publications/tutorial/standards/ | |
76. Internet Society (ISOC) - ISOC's Standards Activities The Internet is built on technical standards, which allow devices, services, and applications to be interoperable across a wide and dispersed network of http://www.isoc.org/standards/ | |
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