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21. World-Wide Web Resources - Toxicology Annual Review of Pharmacology and toxicology, from Annual Reviews. Accessible from campus computers and offcampus via the proxy server. http://www.uky.edu/Subject/toxicology.html | |
22. Journal Of Analytical Toxicology - A Toxicology Magazine Magazine / Journal of Analytical toxicology covers hair follicle, urine, saliva, drug abuse testing in labs for clinical, forensic, environmental and http://www.jatox.com/ | |
23. MedlinePlus: Poisoning, Toxicology, Environmental Health Topics Poisoning, toxicology, Environmental Health Topics. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/poisoningtoxicologyenvironmentalhealth.html | |
24. WWW Virtual Library: Forensic Toxicology Welcome to the World Wide Web Virtual Library Forensic toxicology. The Virtual Library is the Web s original index, founded by Timothy BernersLee. http://home.lightspeed.net/~abarbour/vlibft.html | |
25. AMERICAN COLLEGE OF TOXICOLOGY Policy Statement on the Use of Animals in toxicology Teaching toxicology To The Public The toxicology Education Foundation Debuts a New Video http://www.actox.org/ | |
26. Aquatic Toxicology - Elsevier Note to Contributors Aquatic toxicology is now using an electronic submission system (EES). All manuscripts should be submitted through EES which can be | |
27. AACT/The American Academy Of Clinical Toxicology Home Page ABAT members Login to enter the American Board of Applied toxicology members The Asia Pacific Association of Medical toxicology wishes to make a first http://www.clintox.org/ | |
28. Home Fraternal order of toxicologists offers an online journal, a list of members, and information on meetings and other resources. http://www.acmt.net/ | |
29. ACS Division Of Chemical Toxicology The Division of Chemical toxicology was founded in 1996 as a forum for the presentation and discussion of research and opportunities in chemical toxicology http://web.mit.edu/toxms/www/index.html | |
30. SpringerLink Home - Main www.springerlink.com/openurl. asp?genre=journal issn=03405761 - Similar pages American Board of Forensic toxicology WelcomeThe American Board of Forensic toxicology, Inc. was organized in 1975 to provide, in the interest of the public and the advancement of the sciences, http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0340-5761 |
31. Toxicology Expert Experts available for toxicology consulting, expert witness, or analyst services for business, legal, and technical professionals. http://www.intota.com/multisearch.asp?strSearchType=all&strQuery=toxicology |
32. Journal Of Occupational Medicine And Toxicology | Home Page An open access, peerreviewed, online journal that publishes original research related to the field of occupational medicine and toxicology. http://www.occup-med.com/ | |
33. Center For Integrative Toxiology At Michigan State University; Graduate Programs The Center for Integrative toxicology at Michigan State University, including toxicology graduate programs and postgraduate programs in toxicology. http://cit.msu.edu/ | |
34. American Board Of Veterinary Toxicology Certifies veterinary toxicologists in the United States. Features examination information, suggested studies, links, and toxicosis of the month. http://www.abvt.org/ | |
35. Joint Graduate Program In Toxicology This sample sentence describes the page and its contents. http://www.eohsi.rutgers.edu/jgpt/ |
36. NTP: Report On Carcinogens (RoC) As part of the National Institutes of Health, the National toxicology Program produces an annual report which lists known and suspected carcinogens. http://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/roc/toc10.html | |
37. Toxicology And Industrial Health For faster access to toxicology and Industrial Health Online from these locations, use this URL http//intltih.sagepub.com/ http://tih.sagepub.com/ | |
38. TOXNET: Toxicology Data Network Fact Sheet TOXNET (toxicology Data NETwork) is a cluster of databases covering toxicology, hazardous chemicals, environmental health and related areas. | |
39. Human & Experimental Toxicology For faster access to Human Experimental toxicology Online from these locations, use this URL http//intlhet.sagepub.com/ http://het.sagepub.com/ | |
40. IUTOX toxicology Materials International Recognition (IART) and utilization of knowledge in the world of science of toxicology and ensure continued training http://www.iutox.org/ | |
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