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21. Anthropology, University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign A source of information about the department. http://www.anthro.uiuc.edu/ | |
22. Anthropology Home Page Offers an Associates degree and occupational certificates programs. Features course descriptions, faculty profiles and links. Located in San Marcos. http://www.palomar.edu/anthropology/ | |
23. Internet Public Library: Anthropology A directory of Web resources, serials and professional associations presented by the Internet Public Library as part of an educational initiative of the http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/soc03.00.00/ | |
24. Yale > Anthropology Features information on the Department, faculty research interests, courses, news, and links to related resources. Located in New Haven. http://www.yale.edu/anthro/ | |
25. MIT Anthropology - Home Page The MIT anthropology program introduces students to the field of cultural anthropology and to the diversity of global cultures. http://web.mit.edu/anthropology/ | |
26. The Ohio State University Department Of Anthropology Offers graduate and undergraduate degree programs. Features student information, faculty listing, course information and news, events and a newsletter. http://monkey.sbs.ohio-state.edu/ | |
27. Science/AAAS | Collections: Anthropology Search anthropology. Search Criteria anthropology. Refine by Section. View all, Original Research, News, Reviews, Perspectives Essays, Editorials, http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/collection/anthro | |
28. University Of Tennessee: Department Of Anthropology The University of Tennessee Knoxville. Features information on research activities, body donation, faculty, and publications. http://web.utk.edu/~anthrop/ | |
29. University Of Utah Anthropology Department - Home anthropology professor at the University of Utah who studies sex differences and reproductive strategies, hormones and behavior, spatial organization and http://www.anthro.utah.edu/ | |
30. UAlbany Anthropology Offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Features department directory, courses, news, admissions information,Institute for Mesoamerican Studies, http://www.albany.edu/anthro/ | |
31. Department Of Anthropology At Cornell University Information on the Department s undergraduate and graduate programs of study. Features faculty research interests, contact details and links to related http://falcon.arts.cornell.edu/Anthro/ | |
32. Anthropology Fact Sheet anthropology is the study of human beings over time and space. It seeks to understand humans by exploring the differences and similarities between humans in http://www.ndsu.edu/ndsu/academic/factsheets/ahss/anthro.shtml | |
33. UNC Writing Center Handout This handout briefly situates anthropology as a discipline of study What kinds of writing assignments might I encounter in my anthropology courses? http://www.unc.edu/depts/wcweb/handouts/anthropology.html | |
34. University Of Maryland Department Of Anthropology Offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs in Applied anthropology. Features faculty biographies, current research programs and course requirements. http://www.bsos.umd.edu/ANTH/ | |
35. Directory Of Open Access Journals Anthropoetics the Journal of Generative anthropology ISSN 10837264 . Kacike Journal of Caribbean Amerindian History and anthropology ISSN 15625028 http://www.doaj.org/doaj?func=subject&cpid=124 |
36. Anthropology Department, WCAS, Northwestern University anthropology, the study of humankind in broad perspective, is devoted to the proposition that the differences among us are understandable and enriching. http://www.northwestern.edu/anthropology/ | |
37. NYU Anthropology Offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Features faculty profiles, special programs and events. Located in New York. http://www.nyu.edu/gsas/dept/anthro/ |
38. Princeton Anthropology - Welcome This is the website of the Princeton University Department of anthropology. http://www.princeton.edu/anthropology/ | |
39. Department Of Anthropology | University Of Colorado At Boulder A description of the Department that includes faculty profiles and course offerings. Features course offerings, events and current research. http://www.colorado.edu/Anthropology/ | |
40. Department Of Anthropology Home Page Offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Features course listings, faculty overviews, graduate application materials, journal and newsletter. http://www.siu.edu/~anthro/ | |
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