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41. Department Of Anthropology | University Of Pittsburgh anthropology, Univeristy of Pittsburgh, graduate study, graduate program, undergraduate, complex societies, Latin American archaeology, China archaeology, http://www.pitt.edu/~pittanth/ | |
42. Welcome To The Department Of Anthropology At UNC Chapel Hill â Department O anthropology is the integrative study of human beings at all times and in all places. Within this broad field of study, three thematic and overlapping http://anthropology.unc.edu/ | |
43. Department Of Anthropology At The University Of Florida Offers an overview of current research, programs of study, faculty profiles, and contact details. Located in Gainesville. http://web.anthro.ufl.edu/ | |
44. Indiana University - Anthropology Department anthropology Symposium Rethinking Race in the Americas April 17 to 18, anthropology Department * Student Building 130, 701 E. Kirkwood Avenue, http://www.indiana.edu/~anthro/ |
45. Brown University Department Of Anthropology Offers general information on the Department for students and an overview of current research. Provides faculty and graduate student profiles and contact http://www.brown.edu/Departments/Anthropology/ | |
46. National Anthropological Archives / Home Page The NAA collects and preserves historical and contemporary anthropological materials that document the world s cultures and the history of anthropology. http://www.nmnh.si.edu/naa/ | |
47. Anthropology Department | Brandeis University Information on courses of study, degree requirements, contact details, and staff profiles. Features news, events and links to related resources. http://www.brandeis.edu/departments/anthro/ | |
48. Anthropology Department | Anthropology Offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Features course listings, faculty directory, bulletin board, and links to related sites. http://www.wm.edu/anthropology/ | |
49. Resources Of Scholarly Societies - Anthropology Links to websites of scholarly societies in anthropology are given below. The URLStability Index for this collection of anthropology sites is 36.0/51 http://www.scholarly-societies.org/anthrop_soc.html | |
50. Anthropology Online Resources At Education Index Hand picked directory of online anthropology resources. http://www.educationindex.com/anthro/ | |
51. UC Santa Cruz - Anthropology Provides information on degree programs, courses offered and faculty profiles. Features news, events, current research, and links to related sites. http://anthro.ucsc.edu/ | |
52. Anthropology @ UC Davis Offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Features information on current research and faculty profiles. Located in Davis. http://www.anthro.ucdavis.edu/ |
53. University Of Oregon Anthropology Department Home Page Offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Features faculty overviews, course syllabi and listing of masters theses and dissertations. http://www.uoregon.edu/~anthro/ | |
54. Celebrating Women Anthropologists Directory hosted by the University of South Florida features short biographies and links to resources related to prominent female anthropologists. http://anthropology.usf.edu/women/ | |
55. University Of Chicago Press - Cookie Absent Transnational journal covering all subfields of anthropology. Includes submission guidelines, subscription information, and sample articles. http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/CA | |
56. SI NMNH Department Of Anthropology Home Page Sign up for ENews Want to know more about anthropology at the National Museum of Natural History? Through occasional e-mails we plan on sharing brief http://anthropology.si.edu/ | |
57. Department Of Anthropology : College Of Liberal Arts : University Of Minnesota Offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Features events, courses, labs and faculty overviews. Located in Minneapolis. http://anthropology.umn.edu/ | |
58. Department Of Anthropology At Idaho State University Features an overview for prospective students. Includes a links to courses currently being taught, list of faculty and contact details. http://www.isu.edu/anthro/ | |
59. Anthropology Department: Case Western Reserve University anthropology is more than skull and bones. Join a discipline and renowned department that combines the study of history and disease, medicine and culture, http://www.case.edu/artsci/anth/ | |
60. Welcome To Rice Anthropology! Offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Features faculty and student listings, news and events. Located in Houston. http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~anth/ | |
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