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61. University Of Chicago: Department Of Anthropology Information on degree programs, faculty interests and facilities. Also features news and announcements, as well as application materials. http://anthropology.uchicago.edu/ |
62. LSU Libraries -- Anthropology Subject Guidekellysfooter Net Anthro.net is a search engine that queries a database of over 40000 reviewed web sites with anthropological content built by the interests of its http://www.lib.lsu.edu/soc/anthro.html | |
63. Anthropology Offers an undergraduate degree program. Features course descriptions, faculty biographies and current projects, news and alumni updates. Located in Oberlin. http://www.oberlin.edu/anthropo/ | |
64. SSU Anthropology: Home Page Offers an undergraduate degree program and a graduate degree program in Cultural Resources Management. Features course descriptions, class Web pages, http://www.sonoma.edu/Anthropology/ | |
65. Department Of Anthropology At WSU The Department of anthropology at Washington State University has a relatively small undergraduate program operating along with a relatively large graduate http://libarts.wsu.edu/anthro/ | |
66. Department Of Anthropology At Penn State Administration, alumni, courses, faculty, graduate and undergraduate program, resources, and student funding opportunity information available. http://www.anthro.psu.edu/ |
67. The Online Books Page: Browse Call Numbers: GN anthropology An Introduction to the Study of Man and Civilization (London Research Methods in Nutritional anthropology , ed. by Gretel H. Pelto, http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/subjectstart?GN |
68. Department Of Anthropology An overview for prospective and current students that features information on degree programs and admissions. Describes research facilities and faculty http://www.uaf.edu/anthro/ | |
69. University Of North Carolina Wilmington - The Career Center - Explore And Resear Its major subfields are archaeology, physical anthropology, cultural anthropology, National Association for the Practice of anthropology, http://www.uncwil.edu/stuaff/career/Majors/anthropology.htm | |
70. Anthropology At The University Of Pennsylvania Offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Features course information, department directory, and museum and library information. http://www.sas.upenn.edu/anthro/ |
71. ASU Department Of Anthropology Features an overview of the department, courses offered, faculty research interests, fieldwork opportunities, and contact details. Located in Tempe. http://www.asu.edu/clas/anthropology/ | |
72. UWF - Division Of Anthropology And Archaeology - Home Kate Spradley, along with Joanne Curtin, associate professor of anthropology and Archaeology, will help initiate the first forensic anthropology field http://www.uwf.edu/anthropology/ | |
73. Hunter College CUNY Department Of Anthropology anthropology since 1905 4-field program - 5000 registrations a year. BA MA at Hunter - Ph.D. at CUNY - - day evening classes - teaching research http://maxweber.hunter.cuny.edu/anthro/ |
74. Ph.D. Program In Anthropology, CUNY Graduate Center CUNY Graduate Center Ph.D. Program in anthropology. http://web.gc.cuny.edu/Anthropology/ | |
75. Department Of Anthropology Features information on the academic program. Offers faculty profiles, current research, news, and links to related sites. http://anthropology.ucr.edu/ | |
76. Anthropology At Temple University Offers undergraduate and graduate programs in the four subfields. Features summer and focus programs and faculty biographies. Located in Philadelphia. http://www.temple.edu/anthro/ | |
77. Anthropology - Definition From The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary Definition of anthropology from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/anthropology | |
78. UofL - A&S - Anthropology Offers departmental contacts, course descriptions and information on the field. http://louisville.edu/a-s/anthro/ | |
79. IUPUI Department Of Anthropology Home Page Welcome to the IUPUI Department of anthropology web page. anthropology is a broadly based discipline that focuses on a vast range of aspects of human http://www.iupui.edu/~anth/ | |
80. CSUF Anthropology Provides an overview of the Department, faculty profiles, current research, and links to related sites. http://anthro.fullerton.edu/ | |
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