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81. Association For Women In Communications - Marketing Membership Professional organization for advancing women across all communications disciplines. Includes membership benefits, news, events calendar, conferences and http://www.womcom.org/ | |
82. Department Of Communicationâ¢Texas A&M University Welcome to the Department of communication at Texas A M University. http://comm.tamu.edu/ | |
83. Journal Of Computer-Mediated Communication Computer Mediated communication The Journal of ComputerMediated communication. http://jcmc.indiana.edu/ | |
84. ISCA | International Speech Communication Association Offers training, conferences and workshops. With membership details. http://www.isca-speech.org/ | |
85. Cox Communications - Digital Cable TV, High Speed Broadband Internet Access (ISP Cox communications cox digital cable tv service provider. http://www.cox.com/ | |
86. Communication, Culture & Technology Graduate degree program in the advanced study of contemporary media, communications, and information technology. Fields of study include technology and http://cct.georgetown.edu/ | |
87. College Of Communication The College of communication consists of the Departments of communication and communication Disorders, with programs at the undergraduate and graduate http://www.comm.fsu.edu/ | |
88. Office Communications Server Home Page - Microsoft Office Online Office communications Server 2007 delivers streamlined communications for your users so they can find and communicate with the right person, right now, http://www.office.microsoft.com/communicationsserver | |
89. Communication Studies Resources: The University Of Iowa Directory of web resources related to media, culture and related issues, compiled by University of Iowa communications Studies Department. http://www.uiowa.edu/~commstud/resources/ | |
90. UW-Milwaukee: Department Of Communication - Home Page Bachelor of Arts degree program and Master of Arts degree program in communication at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/Commun/ | |
91. Directory Of Open Access Journals 52 journals belonging to subject Media and communication. African Journal of Information and communication Technology ISSN 14492679 http://www.doaj.org/doaj?func=subject&cpid=130 |
92. Java Communications API The Java communications API can be used to write platformindependent communications applications for technologies such as voice mail, fax, and smartcards. http://java.sun.com/products/javacomm/ | |
93. Visual Communication For faster access to Visual communication Online from these locations, use this URL http//intlvcj.sagepub.com/ Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, http://vcj.sagepub.com/ | |
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