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41. EH.Net | Economic History Services Resources for historians of economic thought provided by EH.Net and the History of economics Society. http://eh.net/ | |
42. USC College Department Of Economics Contains department details, faculty and staff, research institute, graduate and undergraduate programs, admissions, events and seminars. http://www.usc.edu/schools/college/econ/ | |
43. Economics Network Of The Higher Education Academy The economics Network of the Higher Education Academy, supporting learning and teaching in universitylevel economics. http://www.economicsnetwork.ac.uk/ | |
44. Henry B. Tippie College Of Business :: Department Of Economics The economics department at the University of Iowa is among the top twenty departments of public universities. We offer an outstanding undergraduate liberal http://www.biz.uiowa.edu/econ/ | |
45. Economics Welcome the the economics site! This site was created for kids to learn the basics of economics, covering how the economy works and what an economy s http://library.thinkquest.org/J003305F/ | |
46. Welcome To The Department Of Economics At Rice University Research projects are in coordination with the Baker Institute for Public Policy. Programs of study, faculty, working papers, and workshops. http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~econ/ | |
47. John E. Walker Department Of Economics, Clemson University Faculty, course descriptions, programs of study, alumni, seminars, news, and related links. http://www.clemson.edu/econ/ | |
48. Department Of Economics : The Eller College Of Management At The University Of A Programs cover standard fields such as micro and macro theory, econometrics, labor, industrial organization, international trade, and development economics. http://econ.arizona.edu/ | |
49. UW-Madison - Department Of Economics Programs of study, courses and workshops, lecture schedules, faculty, and related resources. http://www.econ.wisc.edu/ | |
50. Department Of Economics At The University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign The Spring 2008 Midwest Economic Theory and International economics Meetings will be hosted by the department. The meetings are joint with a conference in http://www.economics.uiuc.edu/ | |
51. Economic Journals On The Web Collection of links to economicsrelated journals. http://www.oswego.edu/~economic/journals.htm | |
52. HTML Redirect General information, faculty and staff, graduate and undergraduate program details, and related resources. http://www.eco.utexas.edu/ | |
53. RePEc: Research Papers In Economics Collaborative volunteer effort to enhance the dissemination of research in economics. http://repec.org/ | |
54. Social Studies/Economics - Essential Academic Learning Requirements 2.2.2a Understand how differences in property rights, ownership, and noneconomic values and beliefs result in different methods of production and http://www.k12.wa.us/CurriculumInstruct/SocStudies/econEALRs.aspx | |
55. Department Of Economics Course descriptions and degree requirement information is provided. http://econ.la.psu.edu/ |
56. Welcome To The Ohio State Univ. Department Of Economics Programs, course descriptions, contact directory, news and events, papers, and related resources. http://www.econ.ohio-state.edu/ | |
57. University Of Tennessee, Department Of Economics The University of Tennessee, Knoxville was founded in 1794 and was designated the state landgrant institution in 1879. The University now has nearly 26000 http://econ.bus.utk.edu/ | |
58. Aristotle, Economics Aristotle, economics. Editions and translations Greek English Your current position in the text is marked in red. Click anywhere on the line to jump to http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/text?lookup=aristot. econ. 1343a |
59. OLI Economics Course Entry Please give us feedback about the economics course or about OLI. The Introductory economics course is a collection of online experiments and related http://www.cmu.edu/oli/courses/enter_economics.html |
60. New York University>Department Of Economics MA, Ph.D., and undergraduate programs. Course information, seminar schedule, working papers, data resources for economists, and contact information. http://www.econ.nyu.edu/ | |
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