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1. Ethnology - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia ethnology (from the Greek ethnos, meaning family, lineage, people ) is the branch of anthropology that compares and analyzes the origins, distribution, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnology | |
2. Ethnology | An International Journal Of Cultural And Social Anthropology, Depart ethnology, An International Journal of Cultural and Social Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh. http://www.pitt.edu/~ethnolog/ | |
3. JSTOR: Ethnology ethnology contributes to the cumulative development of crosscultural ethnographic data with detailed recordings and analyses of culture and society. http://www.jstor.org/journals/00141828.html | |
4. Fritz Thyssen Stiftung: Ethnology ethnology, originally the study of foreign that is, of non-western cultures - has evolved into a social science which, in principle, analyses all http://www.fritz-thyssen-stiftung.de/index.php?id=108&L=1 |
5. Directory Of Open Access Journals Keywords folklore, folk belief, ethnology, cultural studies, ethnomusicology Keywords scandinavian studies, ethnology, history, area studies http://www.doaj.org/doaj?func=subject&cpid=126 |
6. Ethnology - Definition From The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary Definition of ethnology from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ethnology | |
7. Peabody Museum Of Archaeology And Ethnology The Peabody Museum of Archaeology and ethnology at Harvard University, founded in 1866 by George Peabody, is one of the oldest museums in the world devoted http://www.peabody.harvard.edu/ | |
8. Ethnology Database - Bishop Museum The Bishop Museum s ethnology Collection includes more than 70000 objects from throughout the Pacific region. Photographs and detailed information are http://www2.bishopmuseum.org/ethnologydb/index.asp | |
9. Civilization.ca - Online Resources For Canadian Heritage - Ethnology Indigenous peoples non-Canadian General ethnology Relations with Government and non-Natives Political organization Economic activity http://www.civilization.ca/orch/www06_e.html | |
10. National Museum Of Ethnology, Japan Located in Osaka. Active in ethnological (anthropological) research, plus collection and conservation of ethnographic materials. http://www.minpaku.ac.jp/english/ | |
11. List Of Publications Of The Bureau Of American Ethnology Bulletin 200 (End of Series). List of Publications of the Bureau of American ethnology. With Index to Authors and Titles http://www.sil.si.edu/digitalcollections/bae/bulletin200/200title.htm | |
12. Museum Für Völkerkunde Collection comprises over 200000 objects and represents the cultural heritage of the continents of Africa, the Americas, Australia and Asia. http://www.ethno-museum.ac.at/en/frameset.html |
13. Asian Folklore Studies Asian ethnology is a peerreviewed journal dedicated to the promotion of Asian ethnology seeks to deepen understanding and further the pursuit of http://www.nanzan-u.ac.jp/SHUBUNKEN/publications/afs/afsMain.htm | |
14. BnF - Bureau Of American Ethnology (Washington, D.C.). Annual Report Of The Bure gallica.bnf.fr/ark/12148/cb37575968z/date Similar pages Japanese Society of ethnologySponsors meetings, seminars, and journals in Japan. http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37575968z/date | |
15. SIEF - Home SIEF would like to get informed about the names of the participants of the International Congress of European FolkLore and ethnology, standing for the http://www.meertens.knaw.nl/sief/ | |
16. Institude Of Ethnology - Academia Sinica New Issue of Field Materials Institute of ethnology Academia Sinica( No. 20) is published. The 2007 Taiwan International Ethnographic Film Festival, http://www.sinica.edu.tw/ioe/english/index.htm | |
17. Hanoi MFA Ethnology Exhibits Photos of the exhibit includes clothing and other cultural displays. Located in Vietnam. http://www.ibiblio.org/vietnam/exhibit/exhibit.html | |
18. Institut Za Etnologiju I Folkloristiku Home narodna umjetnost, croatian journal od ethnology and folklore research The Institute of ethnology and Folklore Research was founded in 1948 in Zagreb. http://www.ief.hr/page.php?id=2&lang=en |
19. Africa. Art And Culture Museum of ethnology Arnimallee 27 14195 Berlin Dahlem. Phone 030/83010 Fax 030/8301500 E-mail md@smb.spk-berlin.de http://www.smb.spk-berlin.de/mv/afrika/e/afrika1.html | |
20. Victorian Studies--Arnoldian Ethnology Like the Celtic sensibility Arnold found buried within the English soul, Arnold s ethnology represents a conceptual knot that has refused to go away in http://www.indiana.edu/~iupress/journals/victorian/vic41-3pec.html | |
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