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21. VIETNAM MUSEUM OF ETHNOLOGY Vietnam Museum of ethnology is both a research centre and a public museum exhibiting the ethnic groups of Vietnam. The mission of the Museum is scientific http://www.vme.org.vn/aboutus_history.asp | |
22. CMRAE Home CCenter forMMaterialsRResearch inAArchaeology Eethnology. mission statement history education resources facilities http://web.mit.edu/cmrae/cmrae_home.htm | |
23. Traditional Arts & Ethnology Centre - Luang Prabang The Traditional Arts and ethnology Centre is a private, nonprofit museum located in Luang Prabang, Laos. Dedicated to the preservation of Laos ethnic http://www.taeclaos.org/ | |
24. Native Americans - Ethnology ethnology The scientific study of the origin and functioning of human cultures. It is usually considered one of the major branches of cultural anthropology, http://www.nativeamericans.com/Ethnology.htm | |
25. Annual Report Of The Bureau Of American Ethnology To The Secretary Of The Smiths Annual Report of the Bureau of American ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution began publication in 1881, though the Bureau at the time http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/serial?id=arbae |
26. Definition: Ethnology From Online Medical Dictionary Previous ethnographical, ethnographically, ethnography, ethnological, ethnologist Next ethnopharmacology, ethnopsychology, ethoglucid, http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/cgi-bin/omd?ethnology |
27. ICHEE International Council for Human Ecology and ethnology. Director General s Office P.O. Box 7024 New York, NY 101280010 http://www.ichee.org/ | |
28. Dept. Of Ethnology / National Chengchi University On August 1, 1990, the Graduate Institute of Border Administration, under the approval of the MOE, was transformed into the Graduate Institute of ethnology. | |
29. Ethnology @ SNOMNH To learn more about this style of hair ornament, see Alanson Skinners Observations on the ethnology of the Sauk Indians, Part III, Notes on Material http://ethnology.wordpress.com/ | |
30. Mogamigawa River Project For the Department of Archaeology and ethnology(Japanese). . The Department of Archaeology and ethnology. Faculty of Letters Keio University http://www.flet.keio.ac.jp/~abeto/mrp/index_e.html | |
31. Papua New Guinea Ethnology PAPUA NEW GUINEA ethnology. The aboriginal Negroid Papuans, who occupied most of New Guinea, Oceania ethnology Home Page. Melanesia Home Page http://www.janeresture.com/oceania_ethnology/png.htm | |
32. Ethnology In SIL ethnology in SIL focuses on training and research. Training is designed to encourage intra and inter-cultural awareness and to develop practical field http://www.sil.org/anthro/ethnology.htm | |
33. Museum Of Achaeology And Ethnology Museum of Archaeology ethnology Simon Fraser University 8888 University Drive Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6. P 778.782.3325 F 778.782.5666. Dr. Barbara J. Winter http://www.sfu.museum/ | |
34. Ethnology French Riviera (Var) (English), Ethnology French Riviera (Var) (Englis association CEREV (inheritance, popularization, consultant in ethnology, dry flowers of French Riviera, inshore fishing in Mediterranean, Internet links http://cerev.online.fr/englishindex.htm | |
35. History, Land And Ethnology A resource from TimorNet at University of Coimbra in Portugal. http://www.uc.pt/timor/atop.html | |
36. Ethnology - Burke Museum ethnology is the branch of anthropology concerned with living cultures. The Burke Museum is particularly renowned for its collections of Native American art http://www.washington.edu/burkemuseum/collections/ethnology/index.php | |
37. § 19 Aryans, Et Al.: Ethnology Today, Huxley receives even less notice as an ethnologist than as a physical anthropologist. His contributions to ethnology begin with the observations he http://aleph0.clarku.edu/huxley/guide19.html | |
38. Vietnam Travel Guide - Vietnam Museum Of Ethnology - Ha Noi Capital - Vietnam Tr The Vietnam Museum of ethnology is a convergence of cultures and a scientific ethnological center. It has actively contributed to the conservation and http://www.vietnamtravelguide.com/article_detail.php?cat=1&show_cat=1&sub_cat=1& |
39. Department Of Ethnology Problems of ethnology of Ancient Societies (History of Social Organization in Primitive Societies, Culture and Social Structure of Traditional Societies, http://www.hist.msu.ru/English/departments/Ethn/index.html | |
40. Ethnology Collections The ethnology Collection at the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology originated through systematic anthropological research, collecting, and exhibitions. http://www.unm.edu/~maxwell/ethnology_collections.html | |
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