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41. SIEF2008 - International Conference Of Ethnology And Folklore Its objectives are to develop scholarly work in the field of European ethnology and folklore, to promote publication, to stimulate cooperation among its http://www.arts.ulster.ac.uk/sief2008/home.htm | |
42. Ethnology Home About Slovenia Photo material ethnology. ethnology. Print this page Beehive at Muljava Beehive at Muljava The toplar hayrack http://www.ukom.gov.si/eng/slovenia/photos/ethnology/ | |
43. Newfoundland Museum Archaeology Ethnology Unit The Archaeology and ethnology section of the Newfoundland Museum is dedicated to preserving Newfoundland and Labradors heritage. http://www.nfmuseum.com/museum.htm | |
44. SNOMNH Ethnology Main Page ethnology is the study of human cultures and societies, both in their own terms and comparatively across space and time. At the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of http://www.snomnh.ou.edu/collections-research/ethnology.htm | |
45. Introductory Page - Uncle Remus History/Ethnology Research Project A historical and ethnological examination of Harris folklore collections and other writings. Includes biography, texts, contemporary reviews, http://xroads.virginia.edu/~UG97/remus/remus.html | |
46. Introduction To The International Core Data Standard For Ethnology/Ethnography The International Core Data Standards for ethnology / Ethnography has been prepared by the CIDOC Ethno Working Group . The preparation of the International http://www.willpowerinfo.myby.co.uk/cidoc/ethst0.htm | |
47. Faculty Of History - Institute Of Archaeology And Ethnology Teresa Karwicka Research topics ethnographic regionalization of Northern and Central Poland (T. Karwicka), the theory and methodology of ethnological http://www.his.umk.pl/en/archeology/archeo.html | |
48. George Ernest Morrsion Lectures In Ethnology George Ernest Morrison Lecture series banner. The George Ernest Morrison Lecture series was founded by Chinese residents in Australia and others in honour http://rspas.anu.edu.au/ccc/gemorris.htm | |
49. Postgraduate Prospectus 2008 - Scottish Ethnology Taught Masters Degree Scottish ethnology in the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures. http://www.ed.ac.uk/studying/postgraduate/finder/details.html?id=250 |
50. Department Of History And Ethnology â Jyväskylän Yliopisto - Universi The Department of History and ethnology combines two disciplines, which aim at drawing a wide, profound and theorethically versatile picture of past http://www.jyu.fi/hum/laitokset/hie/en | |
51. Bureau Of Ethnology Reports Index 1sthand-history.org Bureau of American ethnology Annual Reports index. http://www.1st-hand-history.org/Boe/BOEindex.htm | |
52. Åbo Akademi Ethnologists and places Abo Akademi University ethnology Fabriksgatan 2 FIN20500 Turku What is a Swedish ethnology in Finland? a short introduction http://www.abo.fi/fak/hf/etn/welceng.htm | |
53. Ethnology ethnology, or the theoretical aspect of anthropology, is concerned with the explanation of cultural regularities and variation through comparison and http://www.umanitoba.ca/faculties/arts/anthropology/courses/122/module1/ethnolog | |
54. HAS: Institute Of Ethnology NonEuropean ethnological researches. 3. Contemporary problems of the rural population, Coordination of ethnographical synopses (ethnological atlas, http://www.mta.hu/index.php?id=766 |
55. Institute Of Ethnology (institution, Paris, France) -- Britannica Online Encycl Institute of ethnology (institution, Paris, France). Encyclopædia Britannica Related Articles. A selection of articles discussing this topic. http://www.britannica.com/eb/topic-194309/Institute-of-Ethnology | |
56. Ethnology - Wiktionary Retrieved from http//en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ethnology . Categories English nouns Anthropology. Views. Entry Discussion Edit History http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ethnology | |
57. Ethnology Of Manihiki And Rakahanga | NZETC Title ethnology of Manihiki and Rakahanga. Author Te Rangi Hiroa. Publication details Bernice P. Bishop Museum, 1932. Part of Tidal Pools Digitized http://www.nzetc.org/tm/scholarly/tei-BucMani.html | |
58. OPTIONS: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY (1885/86) OPTIONS ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BUREAU OF AMERICAN ethnology (1885/86) http://fax.libs.uga.edu/J84xSIx2x1xv07/ | |
59. U Of M Department Of Anthropology: Ethnology: Description ethnology is a broad term for sociocultural anthropology. In the most general terms it attempts to explain similarities and differences among cultures, http://www.lsa.umich.edu/anthro/ethnology/index.htm | |
60. LibGuides @ UIUC Library: Ecology, Ethnology, And Evolution LibGuides @ UIUC Library Ecology, ethnology, and Evolution Find here selected reference and other works for ecology, ethnology, and evolution. http://uiuc.libguides.com/content.php?pid=2321 |
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