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41. Conceptual Problems In Memetics In A Multi-Level View Of Evolution And Behaviour The clarification allows some of the fundamental assumptions of memetics to be critically appraised. Key issues are subsequently raised which must be http://www.cam.cornell.edu/~rclewley/jom.html | |
42. The Quackometer: The Memetics Of Quackery - Part 1 Experiments and Thoughts on Quackery, Health Beliefs and Pseudoscience. http://www.quackometer.net/blog/2006/07/memetics-of-quackery-part-1.html | |
43. BBC - H2g2 - Memes And Memetics Created 21st March 2003. Memes and memetics searching for a parallel to Darwinian evolution, introduced the theory of memetics. http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A987816 | |
44. The Dilettante's Dilemma: Memetics: Movies (104) memetics Movies (104). One disadvantage of starting this blog in a vacuum the way I did is that I don t have blogfriends sending me all the various memes http://www.cruzich.com/2008/02/memetics-movies-104.html | |
45. Keith Henson Talks About Memetics, Evolutionary Psychology & Scientology - 10 Ze Feb 5, 2007 I knew Max More through Alcor before he started the movement and was the (not very active) memetics editor for the magazine when it was in http://www.10zenmonkeys.com/2007/02/05/a-reprint-of-an-interview-with-keith-hens | |
46. Memetics: Blogs, Photos, Videos And More On Technorati Human culture subject to natural selection, Stanford study shows Published by billycuts on February 19, 2008 in Anthropology, Genetics, memetics and http://technorati.com/tag/memetics | |
47. Memes: The Memetics Section Of The Meme Machine The memetic analysis of why people do such crazy things Isn t memetics just another meme? Yes, but what does that prove? http://mwillett.org/Memes/meme1.htm | |
48. Memetics And The Evolution Of Memes In particular, this story centers around Science Related Memetic Disorder effectively mad science disease with infected characters providing the drive http://community.livejournal.com/memetics | |
49. Memetics.it logo memetics. coming soon. http://www.memetics.it/ |
50. Meme Generator Here it is, a brief overview of my theory of memetics. This would include comprehension and interacting with memetic and nonmemetic information already http://meme-generator.blogspot.com/ | |
51. Memetics Archive At Memoirs On A Rainy Day Published by range June 22nd, 2007 in memetics. 4 Comments. Ive taught Kindergarten before in Continue reading Teaching Kindergarten And memetics http://thememoirs.org/category/memetics/ |
52. Memetics | Roy Christopher Information Architecture Jazz Literature Marketing Media Theory Mediation memetics Movies Music Network Theory Philosophy Photography Postmodernism Race http://roychristopher.com/tag/memetics | |
53. Marketing, Tipping Points, And Memetics | Something Simpler Have you read The Tipping Point? Many of us have. The growth of sales of the book itself is an example of the idea it attempts to. http://www.somethingsimpler.com/2008/01/marketing-tipping-points-and-memetics/ | |
54. Kbuxton.com: Memes And Memetics Memes and memetics. Richard Dawkins; Memes; Memes Ideas as Viruses; The Church of Virus (added 11/4/97); Viruses of the Mind (added 7/12/98) http://www.aracnet.com/~kbuxton/memes.html | |
55. Nanodot: Nanotechnology News And Discussion » Memetics Posted in memetics, News 4 Comments » « Previous Entries. You are currently browsing the archives for the memetics category. http://www.foresight.org/nanodot/?cat=11 |
56. Philosophy Of Religion .info - Arguments For Atheism - Religion And Memetics: Th Evolution and Ideas memetics. Recently, it has been recognised that this theory can Rather, what the memetic critique of Christianity attempts to do is http://www.philosophyofreligion.info/memetics.html | |
57. Memetics (in Sociology) - Society And Culture Research Guide memetics memetics is an approach to evolutionary models of information transfer based on the concept of the meme. http://www.123exp-culture.com/t/03604061656/ | |
58. Tracing Cultural Evolution Through Memetics Downloadable ! Author(s) Tiktik Dewi Sartika. 2004 Abstract Viewing human being, as a part of evolution process is still a controversial issue for some http://ideas.repec.org/p/wpa/wuwpco/0405007.html | |
59. What's A Meme And Why Would Anyone Make One? Drexler on Hypertext Publishing and the Evolution of Knowledge; Dawkin s latest, made available by Cosma Shalizi; HyperWeird memetics http://www.meme.com/memedef/ | |
60. Memetics For Retards » Lolcat.us Many of the mislabled chain letters could easily be argued as memetic given that they have instructions to pass on the particular quiz. http://www.lolcat.us/2007/11/22/memetics-for-retards/ | |
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