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21. Raymond J. Noonan, Ph.D.: Dissertation Abstract Title of Dissertation A Philosophical Inquiry into the Role of sexology in Space Life He argues that sexology must be an integral and focused part of a http://www.sexquest.com/SexualHealth/rjnoonan-diss-abstract.html | |
22. Colonizing Sex Anyone interested in the history of western sexuality will want to read this book because of how it refracts the huge project of sexology through the eyes http://www.ucpress.edu/books/pages/9500.php | |
23. The Joy Of Sexology | Movie Mix | AlterNet The Joy of sexology. By Christina Larson, Washington Monthly. Posted December 8, 2004. Does it matter that Alfred Kinsey enjoyed his work more than he let http://www.alternet.org/movies/20692/ | |
24. Dictionary Of Sexology@Everything2.com Many of these terms were coined by and first used in the writings of sexologist and psychoendocrinologist Dr. John Money, Professor emeritus in Medical http://everything2.com/index.pl?node=Dictionary of Sexology |
25. Askville: Sexology 101 | Mountain Xpress News | Mountainx.com In her private practice, Mountain sexology, Wolfe works with clients on everything from new ideas for hot sex to helping their kids become sexually healthy. http://www.mountainx.com/news/2008/031208askville | |
26. See Life Differently: Susana The Sexologist I was interested in her sexology (and her love for social dancing, and her vision for an adopta-grandparents program); she was interested in my church http://seelifedifferently.blogspot.com/2005/12/susana-sexologist.html | |
27. Bland, Lucy: Sexology In Culture Bland, Lucy sexology in Culture, university press books, shopping cart, new release notification. http://www.press.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/hfs.cgi/00/13687.ctl | |
28. Glbtq >> Social Sciences >> Sexology sexology, the study of sex or of the interactions between the sexes, first emerged as a field of intellectual inquiry in the second half of the nineteenth http://www.glbtq.com/social-sciences/sexology.html | |
29. Alexa - Browse: Sexology The most visited sites in all sexology categories. Thumbnail image of sexualitysexology.com 8. SEXUALITY, sexology from a sex therapist understand http://www.alexa.com/browse?&CategoryID=490015 |
30. Sexology (The Men's Bibliography) sexology in Culture Labelling Bodies and Desires. Polity Press. sexology Uncensored The Documents of Sexual Science. Polity Press. http://mensbiblio.xyonline.net/sexology.html | |
31. Sexology & Practice Management CME Cruise Part A Review of Sexual Medicine Taking a decent sexual history in 10 minutes - The GP and specialist approach. - Aging and Sexuality in Men and Women http://www.allconferences.com/conferences/20070813140444/ | |
32. "The Joy Of Sexology: What To Think Now About Alfred Kinsey" By Christina Larson The Joy of sexology What to think now about Alfred Kinsey. http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/features/2004/0412.larson.html | |
33. Sexology, The Homo/Hetero Binary, And The Complexities Of Male Sexual History -- Such a rereading of important sexological writings offers us one way to complicate current assumptions about the birth and subsequent influence of the http://sexualities.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/9/4/423 | |
34. Sexology 2005 The Advice Columnist as Sexologist An Experiential Workshop Exploring Advice Column Work and its Relationship to Other sexology Disciplines. (103.1) http://abstracts.co.allenpress.com/pweb/sexo2005/program/ | |
35. ScienceDirect - Sexologies : On The history Of French Sexology The English words sexology and sexualogy were coined in the 1860s and 1880s, respectively, whereas the French word sexologie emerged around 1910. http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1158136007000941 | |
36. Dictionary Of Sexology Terms For Palm OS And Pocket PC (Palm, Tungsten, Zire, HP Dictionary of sexology Terms. 693 entries. Features include Extremely fast dictionary browsing; expansion cards support; adjustable fonts; search within http://www.absoluteword.com/sexology/ | |
37. Sexology's Little Death By Justin Clark - Nerve.com As radical as Reisman s rhetoric sounds, many in the sexology field say they hear it echoing from another quarter Congress. Last year, a Republicanbacked http://www.nerve.com/dispatches/clark/sexology/ | |
38. Sexology, Gernsback's Serious Magazine About Sex Magazine art from sexology, Gernsback s serious magazine about Sex. Vintage magazine cover and advertising art from the golden age of American illustration http://www.magazineart.org/main.php/v/healthandfitness/sexology/ | |
39. Declaration Of Sexual Rights World Association Of Sexology 1999 Declaration O Summarizes an important document adopted by the World Association of sexology and Sexual Health in Hong Kong in 1999, which is a declaration of basic human http://sexuality.about.com/od/sexinformation/a/sexualrights.htm | |
40. Tao Of Sexology - Stephen Chang Dealing with issues of human sexuality on physical, mental, and spiritual levels, Chang discusses Taoist techniques for a wide range of human concerns, http://www.redwingbooks.com/products/books/TaoSexCha.cfm | |
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