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41. Stanford Aikido Style background, club information, dojo etiquette, links, test requirements, calendar and weapons. http://aikido.stanford.edu/ | |
42. :: The Aikido Center Of Atlanta :: Affiliated to USAF East. Classes offered to adults and children. Includes training schedule and news of forthcoming events. http://www.aikidoatlanta.com/ | |
43. Aikido Daiwa - Home Page : "Aikido: The Non-Violent Martial Art" The Idea Of A N aikido Daiwa Home Page aikido The Non-Violent Martial Art The idea of a non-violent martial art seems at first to be paradoxical and http://www.aikidodaiwa.com/ | |
44. Japan Aikido Association/USA Official web site for Tomiki aikido/Japan aikido Association, USA. Includes mission statement and history, event announcements, dojo listing, http://www.tomiki.org/ | |
45. Aikido Of Center City USAF East affiliate teaching Iaido and Aikikai style aikido in Philadelphia. Head instructor Donovan Waite. Includes class scheduel, dojo etiquette, http://www.aikidocentercity.com/ | |
46. Baltimore Aikido | Welcome aikido Schools of Ueshiba affiliate dojo. Includes class schedule, membership information, and photo gallery. http://baltimoreaikido.com/ | |
47. International Yoshinkai Aikido Federation - Home I began to study Yoshinkan aikido when I was in the first year in Junior High School under the instruction of my father Gozo Shioda. http://www.yoshinkan-aikido.org/ | |
48. Chicago Aikido - Midwest Aikido Center - Chicago Illinois Affiliated with Hombu Dojo in Japan and the United States aikido Federation (USAF). It is the headquarter dojo of the Midwest aikido Federation (MAF). http://www.aikidomac.org/ | |
49. Aikido Connection General information on aikido styles, links, history and organizations. http://www.aikidoconnection.com/ | |
50. Aikido Northwest - Milwaukie, Oregon Spirited aikido training for adults, teens, and children in Milwaukie, Oregon. Member of AANC Division 2. http://www.aikidonw.com/ | |
51. Aikido In Fredericksburg aikido in Fredericksburg is a 501(c)3 nonprofit educational corporation dedicated to the teaching and practice of aikido, a traditional nonviolent Japanese http://www.aikidoinn.com/ | |
52. California Aikido Association - Home Page An aikido organization based upon the principle of training together in friendship with a minimum of formal organizational structure. The CAA is affiliated http://www.ai-ki-do.org/ | |
53. Sunset Cliffs Aikido, San Diego, CA Sunset Cliffs aikido is a traditional Iwama style aikido dojo located in San Diego CA. http://www.sunsetcliffsaikido.com/ |
54. Aikido Of Fairfield County USAF East affiliate that holds classes at the Judo and aikido Center in Stamford. Classes for adults and children. Class schedule, picture gallery, http://www.aikidofc.com/ | |
55. Aikido-L Mailing List aikidoL Mailing List is an Internet e-mail discussion list for anyone interested in the Japanese martial art of aikido. It is a public, open list that http://www.aikido-l.org/ | |
56. Aikido North - Introduction aikido classes in Anchorage Alaska affiliated with the California aikido Association. http://www.aikidonorth.org/ | |
57. Aikido Of Maine - Portland Maine Home aikido of Maine offers a traditional approach to the art of aikido, using openhanded partner practice (taijutsu), sword practice (aikiken), and short staff http://www.aikidoofmaine.com/ | |
58. Shobu Aikido Houston | Martial Arts Houston | Houston Martial Arts Shobu aikido Houston the aikido Institute in Houston. Come and train in a TreeHouse Dojo unique in United States. Learn Martial Arts, get in shape and have http://www.shobuaikidohouston.com/ | |
59. Aikido3D - Homepage aikido3D is a unique, interactive 3D aikido training aid, Congratulations on the best training aid ever available for the Art of aikido. http://www.aikido3d.com/ | |
60. Body Mind And Modem: Main The Body Mind Modem Web site?created by aikido Kokikai of Rochester, NY?teaches mind/body principles from the martial art of aikido. http://www.bodymindandmodem.com/Main/main.html | |
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