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81. Kansas Department Of Transportation: Kansas Bicycle Guide Kansas Department of Transportation Kansas Bicycle Guide. http://www.ksdot.org/burRail/bike/biking/KsBicyGuid.asp | |
82. Wisconsin Bicycle Maps - Wisconsin Department Of Transportation The Wisconsin State Bike Map is a set of eight (8) maps published and distributed through the Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin with information provided by http://www.dot.wisconsin.gov/travel/bike-foot/bikemaps.htm | |
83. State Of Oregon: Bicycle & Pedestrian Program Available for the regular vehicle registration fees, plus a $10 premium, proceeds are split between the Bicycle Transportation Alliance and Cycle Oregon. http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/HWY/BIKEPED/ | |
84. Capital Bicyling Club This is a great chance to buy, sell or trade bicycle related items in preparation for the upcoming bicycle season. Get rid of that extra bike stuff and, http://www.capitalbicycleclub.org/ | |
85. Bicycle Route Maps Map that estimates the travel time using the Bike Routes within the entire city (59KB). More information on the Philadelphia Bicycle Network (PDF) (1439KB) http://www.phila.gov/streets/bike_route_maps.html | |
86. SCCRTC Bicycle Programs Bikes Secure is the Commission s bicycle parking subsidy program for bike racks, bike lockers, and bike parking cages. After four successful grant cycles, http://www.sccrtc.org/bike.html | |
87. City Of Austin - Bicycle Pedestrian Program The purpose of the Bicycle Program is to integrate bicycles into the transportation system of the City of Austin. The program works with all City http://www.ci.austin.tx.us/bicycle/ | |
88. Ken Kifer's Bike Pages -- Bicycle Travelogues, Bike Safety, Bicycling Advocacy, Bicycle camping (bikepacking) and longdistance bike travel, cycling fitness and health, bike commuting and transportation, bicycle traffic safety, http://www.kenkifer.com/bikepages/ | |
89. California Department Of Transportation - Division Of Transportation Planning The Bicycle Facilities Unit is responsible for the Caltrans bike program. Acting as the Department s bicycle advocate, the unit s objective is to improve http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/tpp/offices/bike/ | |
90. Www.ebikes.org This web site is an outgrowth of the mailing list of the same name (ebikes@ebikes.org) . Featured site Dept of City Planning s Bicycle Network Development http://www.ebikes.org/ | |
91. Tidewater Bicycle Association Mission of the Tidewater Bicycle Association The purpose of the TBA is to promote and encourage the use of the bicycle as a means of recreation and http://www.tbarides.org/ | |
92. PBA - Home PBA Plano Bicycle Association. Cycling in the Collin County Texas area. North Texas Cycling Just North of the Dallas Metroplex. http://www.planobicycle.org/ | |
93. League Of American Bicyclists * Ride Better League of American Bicyclists, 1612 K Street NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20006. 202822-1333 bikeleague@bikeleague.org Copyright © 2000-2007, League of http://www.bikeleague.org/resources/better/ | |
94. Arkansas Bicycle Club - News Lynskey bicycles is offering a semicompact titanium club bicycle with Ultregra through Chainwheel for $2850 plus shipping and assembly through the end of http://www.arkansasbicycleclub.org/ | |
95. DORBA Home Page The Dallas Off Road Bicycle Association was founded in 1988 to bring together offroad cyclists. Our monthly meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each http://www.dorba.org/ |
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