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1. Capoeira - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia capoeira (IPA ka.pu. ej. ) is an AfroBrazilian blend of martial art, game, and dance created by enslaved Africans in Brazil during the 16th Century. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capoeira | |
2. CAPOEIRA.COM: News The largest capoeira community, resources and online store. http://www.capoeira.com/ | |
3. Capoeira Video Clips capoeira Video Clips of Professional level capoeiristas only performing highlevel capoeira in the roda, moves, Information on Music, History, http://www.capoeirascience.com/ | |
4. Capoeira Fighter 2 - Free Online Game And Download Game From Shockwave Spinning kicks, flying elbows and lunging punches all set to the primal rhythm of Brazilian music - capoeira is truly poetry in motion. http://www.shockwave.com/gamelanding/capoeirafighter.jsp |
5. Capoeira Greetings and welcome to my capoeira page. First alittle about myself and why this page was created. Ever since i saw the Jean Claude Van Damme movie, http://www.capoeira.htmlplanet.com/ | |
6. Capoeira At Capoeirista.com capoeira schools, music with translations, events and history Capoeirista.com. http://capoeirista.com/ | |
7. Capoeira Brasil: Mestre Boneco Grupo capoeira Brasil, Los Angeles welcomes all those who come with open minds and positive energy. capoeira is more than just an art form, a philosophy, http://www.capoeirabrasil.com/ | |
8. Capoeira Arts Mestre Acordeon brings your the finest capoeira products from Brasil. Check our site for sale prices and new goods. http://www.capoeiraarts.com/ | |
9. Planet Capoeira Magazine The premiere magazine for capoeira, the Brazilian martial ar. http://www.planetcapoeira.com/ | |
10. Princeton Capoeira Information about our group, pictures, media, video clips, east coast capoeira links and events (Princeton, New Jersey) http://www.princeton.edu/~capoeira/ | |
11. ABADÁ Capoeira - About Us - Mission (ACSF) Located in San Francisco, California. Provides instructor profile, general information about the style, programs, events, schedule, prices, http://abada.org/ | |
12. Capoeira Usa San Francisco, California based capoeira group headed by Mestre Urubu Malandro. Contains information on classes, events, photos and songs. http://www.capoeirausa.com/ | |
13. International Capoeira Angola Foundation Nonprofit organization is dedicated to the promotion of capoeira Angola. Scan a national events schedule and a calendar of classes in Washington, DC. http://www.capoeira-angola.org/ | |
14. Omulu Guanabara Omulu capoeira is a San Francisco based nonprofit organization, promoting community building through capoeira instruction. http://www.omulu.org/ | |
15. Capoeira In Salvador Da Bahia, Brazil Two Great Spirits of capoeira Masters Pelé (left) and João Pequeno (right) on the 456th anniversary of the founding of Salvador http://www.bahia-online.net/Capoeira.htm | |
16. United Capoeira Association You need Flash Macromedia, click here to get it! Copyright ©20002007, United capoeira Association. All Rights Reserved. http://www.capoeira.bz/ | |
17. ABADA CAPOEIRA >> Welcome << Edna Lima s Method of Brazilian capoeira, Shotokan Karate and capoeira Workout. http://www.abadacapoeira.com/ | |
18. Capoeira-Shop capoeiraShop.com is the largest capoeira online store. Here you ll find everything you need from abadas to berimbaus, cds, books, magazines and lots of http://www.capoeira-shop.com/ | |
19. Capoeira Videos capoeira Videos 393 (Family Filter OnOff). Subscribe to capoeira Videos. Category. All Categories, Art Animation, Comedy, Cool Commercials http://www.metacafe.com/tags/capoeira/ | |
20. CENTRO SUL To encourage awareness of AfroBrazilian culture through the art form of capoeira. http://www.centrosul.org/ | |
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