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21. Capoeira Performance Arts - MESTRE BOM JESUS capoeira Performance Arts Center, the only dedicated capoeira studio in Westchester, New York! Check back often as we continue to improve the site. http://www.capoeiraperformancearts.com/ | |
22. Gingarte Capoeira Chicago | Contra-Mestre Marisa Our group was founded in 1991 by ContraMestre Marisa, originally from Curvelo, Brazil, and has grown to be one of the largest capoeira groups in the http://gingartecapoeira.org/ | |
23. Welcome To The Premier Capoeira Resource | VirtualCapoeira.com Virtual capoeirathe most comprehensive capoeira Store and capoeira Community online. Find capoeira pants, capoeira videos, capoeira music, and berimbaus! http://www.virtualcapoeira.com/ | |
24. C A P O E I R A E V O L U Ç A O Videos Fox 7 news interview Learn some capoeira moves. Did you know? Tips from our Mestre. Week s promotion Every week a huge sale on one of our products. http://www.capoeira.net/ |
25. Capoeira And Brazilian Martial Arts Capoiera Brazilian Martial Art home/capoeira/history/photos/links/ http://www.capoeira10.com/ | |
26. Welcome To Capoeira Mandinga mandinga.org/ 2k - Cached - Similar pages capoeira Barbados .Macaco capoeiraphotos,capoeira movies,fighting and playing.capoeira Barbados is a site created by M. Reid, the site is about a growing group of Capoeiristas training this http://mandinga.org/ |
27. Gingarte Capoeira Chicago Homepage for Gingarte capoeira at the University of Chicago. http://capoeira.uchicago.edu/ | |
28. Axé Capoeira Seattle - Brazilian Martial Arts, Grupo Axé Capoeira In Seattle, Grupo Axé capoeira in Seattle, Washington capoeira is a Brazilian Martial Art combining self defense with aspects of dance, music, and acrobatics! http://www.axeseattle.com/ |
29. Agua De Beber Capoeira contact the webmaster contact ContraMestre Galego. Copyright © 2007 capoeira Arts Acadamy/Agua De Beber update February 2, 2008 1222 PM. Site Meter. http://www.adbcapoeira.com/ | |
30. Untitled Document The official site for the Chicago Study Group. About style, class schedule, events and performances, photographs, music, FAQs and links. Chicago, IL http://www.quilombocenter.org/ | |
31. Roda Capoeira Dedicated to this brazilian martial artdance includes history, glossary, music, pictures and related links. http://www.bnbcomp.net/capoeira/ | |
32. ËBrazilian Cultural Center Of New EnglandËcontents Offers capoeira Angola and Samba programs in Cambridge. Features style history, class schedule, course description, instructor profiles, shopping, photos, http://www.capoeira-angola.com/ | |
33. | | | Capoeira Batuque | | | Los Angeles | | Brasil Brasil Cultural Center. Play My Game Productions. go to the website. http://www.capoeirabatuque.org/ | |
34. ASCAB Philly Capoeira | Project Capoeira Philadelphia capoeira Arts Center 756 S. 11th St, 2nd Floor; Philadelphia PA 19147 215.923.9500 © 2007 ASCAB capoeira Project capoeira. http://www.ascabcapoeira.org/ | |
35. Capoeira Brasil - Arizona Vai capoeira, Inc. is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide a space for the development, training and innovation of Brazilian arts for the http://www.capoeiraarizona.com/ | |
36. Grupo Liberdade De Capoeira Information on style, store, class schedule, events and links. http://www.capoeiranj.com/ | |
37. Capoeira Sul Da Bahia - Santa Barbara Includes capoeira song lyrics and translations, plus general information, and history. http://www.capoeirasantabarbara.com/ |
38. Capoeira Angola Center Of Mestre João Grande Mestre Joao Grande, student of Pastinha, teaches traditional capoeira Angola from Bahia in New York City. http://www.joaogrande.org/ | |
39. Capoeira Brasil - Welcome capoeira is a unique style of dance, a martial art combined with acrobatic movements and music, an elegant yet physically powerful form of body expression http://www.capoeirabrasil.org/ | |
40. Arte Capoeira Center - ABADÁ Capoeira - Home We belong to the ABADÁcapoeira group, which counts more than 40000 members in 4 continents, and we train capoeira regional style. http://www.artecapoeira.com/ | |
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