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81. Arredondo Dressage Society Welcomes You Arredondo dressage Society is a USDF GMO serving the North Central Florida area since the middle 1970 s. We offer monthly meetings, newsletters, http://www.arredondodressage.org/ | |
82. Dressage Tests Preliminary dressage Test for 5year old horses (Edition 2004); Preliminary dressage Test for 6-year old horses (Edition 2004); FEI dressage Test for 5-year http://www.fei.org/Disciplines/Dressage/Organisers | |
83. Dartmouth Dressage Team dressage is a club sport that runs primarily during the fall and spring terms. We ride at Morton Farm in Etna, NH. At each competition, every team rides the http://www.dartmouth.edu/~dressage/ | |
84. Welcome To HasslerDressage.com Scott Hassler, Susanne Hassler, breeders and trainers of fine sporthorses, offering teaching, coaching, training, consulting, dressage clinics and http://www.hasslerdressage.com/ |
85. The Art Of Classical Riding--Dressage Training For Horse And Rider Online resource for dressage training for horse and rider from basic to Grand Prix. Provides lesson plans and tips for improved riding skills. http://www.artofriding.com/ | |
86. Biamonte Dressage dressage instruction, riding lessons for all ages, full service boarding and training facility and summer horseback riding camp located in Bucks County, PA. http://www.biamontestables.com/ | |
87. Classical Dressage Riders Association TM The Classical dressage Riders Association is an organization of dressage riders and instructors designed to promote dressage education and achievement as an http://www.classicaldressageriders.org/ |
88. Quarter Horse Dressage Information Find information about the sport of dressage and quarter horses; including training, riding, showing. Also information on registries involvement and http://www.quarterhorsedressage.com/dressage/ | |
89. Home Page Central New York Dressage & Combined Training Association Central New York dressage and Combined Training Association. http://www.cnydcta.org/ | |
90. American Saddlebred Dressage - Harry Callahan American Saddlebred dressage is about the diversity of the American Saddlebred in the discipline of dressage. A shining example of this is Harry Callahan, http://www.americansaddlebreddressage.com/ | |
91. Central States Dressage & Eventing Association Central States dressage and Eventing Association (CSDEA) is a nonprofit, taxexempt corporation chartered in 1970 by the State of Minnesota. http://www.csdea.org/ | |
92. Leslie Webb Dressage :: Home Information about Leslie Webb, dressage rider/ trainer. Training and locations of upcoming clinics, and instructional products. http://www.lesliewebb.com/ | |
93. Gail McGuffey's Dressage Arena - The Finest In Dressage Prospects And Finished S Gail McGuffey s dressage Arena The Finest in dressage Prospects and Finished Sport Horses for Sale. http://www.thedressagearena.com/ | |
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