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21. 16.16) Kali/Escrima/Arnis Kali, escrima, and Arnis are all terms for the native fighting arts of Luzon Island, escrima or Eskrima is used more commonly in the middle http://stason.org/TULARC/sports/martial-arts/16-16-Kali-Escrima-Arnis.html | |
22. Inayan Eskrima And Martial Arts Homepage Eskrima (sometimes spelled escrima ) literally translated means to skirmish or fight. This method of martial arts is unique from the onset in that the http://www.inayanmartialarts.com/ | |
23. Filipino Martial Arts, Escrima, Gets Noticed In Hands Of A Master Filipino martial arts, escrima, gets noticed in hands of a master. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/10/16/DDAMSQ0BH.DTL |
24. History Of Martial Arts | Escrima | Philipino Martial Arts | Filipino Martial Ar escrima. A Philipino martial art that has been developed over many decades. It utilizes the short stick as the main weapon. It has sport application as well http://www.allmartialarts.com/KIXCO/History/escrima.htm | |
25. Budovideos.com - Kali-Arnis-Escrima Videos In the art of Giron Arnis escrima, estilo de abanico refers to a bolo knife defense thatwith the flick of the wristwards off strikes or thrusts coming http://www.budovideos.com/shop/customer/home.php?cat=340 |
26. Escrima: Blogs, Photos, Videos And More On Technorati This is from 1984 and it is a portrait of an escrima Grandmaster who lived in Cebu City. In the early 80 s I traveled there and studied with him for a month http://technorati.com/tag/escrima | |
27. Escrima Goes Beyond Stick, Sword Fighting - The Honolulu Feb 1, 2008 Pedoy s School Grandmaster Tyrone Takahashi, center, says escrima is not just stabbing each other. It s about the interaction with the http://the.honoluluadvertiser.com/article/2008/Feb/01/sp/hawaii802010368.html | |
28. Serrada Escrima Of San Antonio Texas This Sunday March 9, 2008 will begin the official training season of Serrada escrima Of San Antonio the training season will end September 30, 2008. http://www.serradasatx.blogspot.com/ | |
29. VVKMAC Escrima Valley View JiuJitsu Valley View Boxing Club Schedule Photo Gallery Links to our friends. Hit Counter. Valley View Karate Martial Arts Center is http://www.vvkmac.com/brazilian_jiu_jitsu.htm | |
30. Pedoy Homepage Pedoy s School of escrima. Bringing the Derobio Style Filipino Martial Art to the World. http://www.pedoysescrima.com/ | |
31. Escrima Techniques › Eskrima Kali › Fighting Techniques Videos escrima techniques eskrima kali fighting techniques videos on mixed martial arts, grappling and jiujitsu, street fighting techniques, and more. http://www.fightauthority.com/fighting-techniques.php?st=escrima techniques |
32. Escrima & Nunchaku escrima sticks were developed to go hand in hand with Filipino Martial Arts, but are now used in a variety of martial arts. They are traditionally between http://www.kinjisan.com/esnu.html | |
33. Defensive Combat Initiative We extend martial knowledge and a true expression of the Davis/Cabales System of escrima, in accordance with the World Serrada escrima Federation/Martial http://www.defensivecombat.com/ | |
34. Kali, Escrima, Arnis Kali, escrima, and Arnis are the terms for the fighting arts of the Philippines. Kali is a South Term, escrima more Central, and Arnis is from the North. http://www.martial-way.com/kali.html | |
35. Martial Arts Supply | Escrima *AMAS Martial Arts Supply products come with a 30 day satisfaction guarantee. If you were unable to locate the escrima that you were looking for please let http://www.amas.net/Weapons_Header.cfm/SectionId/Weapons_Escrima.htm | |
36. Escrima escrima. / artists (E). Real Name Paul Newman. Aliases Camisra, Decktition, Exchange (4), Paul Newman, Sunglasses Ron, Tall Paul http://www.discogs.com/artist/Escrima | |
37. Escrima - The Filipino Martial Art | Information And Web Site Links escrima is a popular Filipino martial art dating back to the 1500s, during the colonization of the Philippine Islands by the Spanish. escrima is a very http://www.statssheet.com/articles/article37983.html | |
38. MySpace.com - Escrima - 27 - Male - Bournemouth, UK, UK - Www.myspace.com/escrim MySpace profile for escrima with pictures, videos, personal blog, interests, information about me and more. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=193935 |
39. MySpaceTV Videos: Search Results For Tag "escrima" Upload and share videos, find and watch funny clips, vote and comment on your favorites, subscribe to online video channels, add cool videos to your MySpace http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.search&t=escrima |
40. Bay Mountain Martial Arts - Oakland escrima is a form of Filipino Martial Arts that emphasizes stick and sword fighting. Students of escrima can fight with weapons or empty hands http://www.amaoakland.com/escrima.php | |
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