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21. NCFG Main Page Information on the falconry organization of North Carolina, the NC Falconer s Guild. Regulations information, photos, and membership information. http://www.ncfalconersguild.org/ | |
22. The Peregrine Fund - Archives Of Falconry Goal Collect and conserve evidence of the history of falconry worldwide and document the role of falconers in raptor conservation. http://www.peregrinefund.org/american_falconry.asp | |
23. Medieval Hunting This page is intended to provide a comprehensive set of links to all web sites containing information on medieval hunting and falconry. http://members.aol.com/McNelis/Medsci/hunting.html | |
24. Pennsylvania Falconry And Hawk Trust - PFHT Pennsylvania falconry and Hawk Trust. A club based in Pennsylvania for falconry. http://www.pfht.org/ | |
25. Falconry Hoods International I am proud to offer a variety of unique and rare falconry hoods from the Middle East, Kazakhstan, China and other parts of the world. http://www.falconryhoodsinternational.com/ | |
26. Home Page www.scfalconry.com/ 2k - falconry annual reporting form (PDF http://www.scfalconry.com/ |
27. The Equinox- Falconry School At The British School of falconry, the first school of its kind in the United States, youll learn how to handle and fly a hawk. As a participant, youll http://www.equinoxresort.com/amenities_and_activities/falconry.cfm | |
28. Wisconsin Falconers Home falconry is the taking of wild quarry in its natural state and habitat using a trained bird of prey. The Wisconsin Falconers Association is a group of http://wisconsinfalconers.org/ | |
29. Dgwake.com Includes getting started information, links, gallery, bookstore and other information of value for those interested in the falconry in the USA. http://www.dgwake.com/ | |
30. Pennsylvania Code falconryThe sport of hunting with trained raptorsincluding the training of raptors. SponsorThe holder of a general or master falconry permit who has http://www.pacode.com/secure/data/058/chapter147/subchapFtoc.html | |
31. Falconry: The Art Of Falconry falconry was for many ages one of the principal sports of the richer classes, and since many more efficacious methods and appliances for the capture of game http://www.2020site.org/falconry/index.html | |
32. West Coast Falconry Academy California s only comprehensive falconry school for beginners to advanced, offering classes and demonstrations. http://www.westcoastfalconry.com/ | |
33. Falconry - Definition From The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary Definition of falconry from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/falconry | |
34. Migratory Bird Permits - Falconry Questions And Answers Do I need a permit to practice falconry? Yes. You must have a valid falconry permit from the state in which you reside, and a valid Federal falconry permit, http://permits.fws.gov/mbpermits/factsheets/FalconryQandA.htm | |
35. Falconry -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Britannica online encyclopedia article on falconry the sport of employing falcons, true hawks, and sometimes eagles or buzzards in hunting game. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9033620/falconry | |
36. Raptor Ridge Falconry Art Raptor Ridge Logo Raptor Ridge falconry Art. Original Watercolor and Pastel over Watercolor Paintings of Birds of Prey by Mary Jo Aardsma http://www.raptorridge.com/ | |
37. Merlins to provide falconers a resource on this underused falconry bird. falconry birds. And continue to add information by other authors and equipment makers. http://www.merlinfalconry.com/ | |
38. Falconry, Gunflint Falconry Hunts, Smallgame Hunting With A Trained Bird Of Prey falconry, Gunflint falconry Hunts, Smallgame hunting with a trained bird of prey, North Shore, Minnesota. http://www.canoecountry.com/falconry/ | |
39. Roger Crandall's Falconry Site Information on falconry, from kite training barbary falcons to raptor galleries, hawking supplies and food. http://www.geocities.com/yosemite/trails/6037/ | |
40. Accipiter Enterprises Renaissance Faire falcon shows, public awareness lectures and demonstrations, falconry apprentice program, and workshops. http://www.birdsofprey.net/ | |
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