var pageType = 'post'; SUBMIT A TIP Gizmodo So much in love with shiny new toys, it's unnatural. Space Truck Executes "Text-Book" Automated Docking at International Space Station Search clips java robots Gizmodo Team Tip your editors: Editor: Email Features Editor: Email Senior Associate Editor: Email AIM Email Associate Editors: Email AIM Email Email ... Email Contributing Editors: Email Email Email Columnist: Brendan I. Koerner Editorial Assistants: Email Email Interns: Email Email Gizmodo Kickin' Balls Anti-Social College Kids Build Autonomous Foosball Table newVideoPlayer("autofoosball_gawker.flv", 475, 376); Four engineering students from Georgia Tech have built an Autonomous Foosball Table, quite possibly the key to my never-ending quest to replace the humans in my life with robots . The funny thing is, this thing isn't just a gimmick; it may soon become a decent foosball opponent. The table system cost about $500 to build, and combines a webcam, an 800MHz Pentium PC and servo-controlled paddles to move, twist, and kick. Here's how it works: The computer runs a Java Media Framework app that tracks the ball as well as the human opponent via webcam. The PC then issues commands to a PIC microcontroller across a serial line, based on the information it's receiving. From there, the microcontroller tells the servos to either move or kick the ball. In addition, the table can predict the trajectory of the ball, lifting its midfielders in time to set up a clear shot. | |