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21. 2007 Lakeshore Foundation International Goalball Classic - Results And Schedule The live feed from Alabama is brought to you in conjunction with Pat Price at Accessible World without her help live goalball would not be possible. http://www.sports.pressakey.net/goalball/index.html | |
22. WMU News - Volunteers Needed For Goalball Tournament Feb 19, 2008 KALAMAZOOThe 2008 U.S. goalball season gets under way with the John Bakos Memorial goalball Tournament Saturday and Sunday, March 12, http://www.wmich.edu/wmu/news/2008/02/052.html | |
23. Arizona Schools For The Deaf And The Blind - Goalball The game of goalball was invented in 1946 by Austrian Hanz Lorenzo as a rehabilitation activity for blind veterans of WWII. It was first introduced to the http://www.asdb.state.az.us/southern/tucson/athletics/goalball/home.html | |
24. Goalball Community centre for all people who are involved in goalball sports. http://groups.msn.com/goalball | |
25. Tucsonan Excels At Sport Of Goalball | Www.azstarnet.com ® Lisa Banta, 27, gets some help with her throwing form for goalball from David Deweese. goalball, well known in the visually impaired world, relies almost http://www.azstarnet.com/allheadlines/149840 | |
26. Goalball--The Great Equalizer In my quest for sporting activities appropriate for my students and their sighted peers, I discovered goalball, thanks to the everinnovative National http://www.nfb.org/images/nfb/Publications/fr/fr26/Issue2/fr07sum19.htm | |
27. Keywords Driving Traffic To Sites In The Sports / Goalball Category Discover what popular keywords drive search engine traffic to web sites in the Sports / goalball category. http://www.keyworddiscovery.com/directory/Sports/Goalball.html | |
28. Kentucky Association Of Blind Athletes: Goalball Meeting The K A B A goalball team will meet on Monday August 27 at 630PM. The location is the Kentucky School for the Blind, 1867 Frankfort Avenue, Louisville, KY. http://kyblindathletes.blogspot.com/2007/06/goalball-meeting.html | |
29. Audio-Tips News » Blog Archive » Accessible World Sponsors Kalamazoo Goalball The tournament, known also as the John Bakos Memorial Tournament, features fifteen of the finest mens and womens goalball teams in the USA, http://www.audio-tips.com/news/?p=15 |
30. Goalball | Paralympic Games goalball is a Paralympic game played throughout the world by blind athletes. The goalball resonates a loud, crisp sleigh bell sound when it is rolled. http://www.independentliving.com/prodinfo.asp?number=108410 |
31. Goalball goalball is a team sport played exclusively by the visually impaired. The object of the game is to roll a ball which contains bells past the opposing team. http://www.ncasb.org/sportsandtourney/goalball.php | |
32. ON YOUR OWN; Sport For Good Listeners: Goalball - New York Times The United States men s goalball team and women s team began competition with 15 other countries on Saturday in the 1990 world goalball championships at the http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C0CE1D91F3DF932A25755C0A96695826 |
33. The Official Site Of The U.S. Paralympic Team U.S. Mens National goalball Team Takes Fourth at Beijing Test Event The Men s National goalball Team, sponsored by the National Industries for the http://www.usoc.org/paralympics/news_33174.htm | |
34. The Statesman Feb 27, 2008 marty langworthy, left, of the USU goalball club, serves the ball to Luis Bardette Friday night in the HPER Building. http://www.utahstatesman.com/news/2008/02/27/Sports/Out-Of.Sight.Goalball.A.Para | |
35. Vision Impairment Audio Network 1 USABA National goalball Championships 2004, Spartanburg SC. 2 - BBS goalball Cup 2003, Walsall Download realplayer by clicking here. http://www.yrguk.com/sports/goalball.htm | |
36. The Life Of An Albino: Return To Hampshire Goalball Yesterday saw the return of one of Hampshire goalball s oldest players, myself lol, I have been playing the sport since Summer 2003, been in several http://c8bonduk.blogspot.com/2008/01/return-to-hampshire-goalball.html | |
37. Goalball From The Athens Paralympics - Truveo Video Search goalball from the Athens Paralympics goalball from the Athens Paralympics. ChannelFairfax Digital. Added20076-4 Runtime 1m39s http://au.truveo.com/Goalball-from-the-Athens-Paralympics/id/3648624550 | |
38. OSB - GoalBall - Oregon Department Of Education OSB goalball Team on the bench Our OSB Grizzlies practice four days a week in order to prepare for these intense 20minute matches. http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?=120 |
39. Goalball The Middle and High School students have been invited to participate in goalball this Winter. They are hosted by CommonSenses.org. http://www.mdparentsofblindchildren.org/goalball.htm | |
40. Search Results Goalball - ABCNEWS.com Search results for goalball from ABCNEWS.com Metasearch. http://infospace.abcnews.com/_1_CRLU6N04LW1CEW__info.abcnws/search/web/goalball |
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