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1. Martial Arts Of Japan: Koryu.com Martial arts of the Japanese samurai. Photos and articles on authentic koryu bujutsu, classical martial traditions of the bushi. Reviews of the best budo http://www.koryu.com/ | |
2. You Want Koryu? Come To Japan When I read Roger Lake s reaction (see page 6) to Meik s comment in a recent column, You want koryu? You come to Japan, I experienced a strong sense of http://www.koryu.com/library/dskoss1.html | |
3. Koryū - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Within Japan, it can refer to any traditional martial art (such as Tenshin Sh den Katori Shint ry ) and is synomonous with koryu, but outside of Japan it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koryū | |
4. International Ryukyu Karate Research Society Includes membership information, seminars, details on curriculum, founder s profile, and contact information. http://www.koryu-uchinadi.com/ | |
5. Martial Arts Of Japan: Koryu.com www.koryubooks.com/koryu/koryua1.html http://www.koryubooks.com/koryu/koryua1.html | |
6. JAPANESE KITE COLLECTION There are three types of Nagoya koryu. Those are a horsefly(Abu) type, a cicada(Semi) Mr.Masaaki Satoh is an outstanding kite builder of Nagoya koryu. http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~ET3M-TKKW/koryu.html | |
7. Nikko Koryu-Sokushin Center With guide to hostel, facilities, prices, reservations, sightseeing, and links. Located in Chikusaku, Nagoya. http://web.kyoto-inet.or.jp/org/key-yh/nik.html | |
8. BUJINKAN KOURYUU Bujinkan koryu Dojo. http://www.bujinkan-kouryuu.com/ | |
9. Koryu - Goo Sumo Ring Name History, koryu. Date of Birth, February 4, 1984 Top Ten Techniques Used By koryu During The Last Six Tournaments http://sumo.goo.ne.jp/eng/ozumo_meikan/rikishi_joho/rikishi.php?A=2301 |
10. Okinawan Koryu Karate Although the kata of Shindokai koryu karate can be used in actual fighting situations, the ultimate secret teaching of this school is to not make enemies. http://www.aikidojournal.com/article.php?articleID=11 |
11. Fingerlakeskoryu - Finger Lakes Koryu Kai Finger Lakes koryukai provides the Ithaca, New York area with its only fully authorized instruction and training in koryu bujutsu - the traditional http://fingerlakeskoryu.googlepages.com/ | |
12. Kokusai Koryu Gojukai Karatedo ©2006 Kokusai koryu Gojukai Karatedo. All Rights Reserved The Kokusai koryu Gojukai Karatedo was formerly named the World Sansei Gojuryu Organization. http://www.koryugojukai.com/ | |
13. Koryu Osaka Biography Maezumi Roshi received Inka from koryu Roshi, a lay Rinzai Teacher and former head of the Shakyamuni Kai. Roshi Bernie Glassman passed his first koan (and http://www.peacemakercommunity.org/about/bios/koryu_bio.htm | |
14. SOME AUSTRALIAN KORYU BUJUTSU INFORMATION There is a growing presence of authentic koryu bujutsu/kobudo (Japanese classical martial arts) in Australia. This site is an introduction to koryu bujutsu http://www.geocities.com/koryu-bujutsu/index.html | |
15. Nihonkoryu Ikebana School Ikebana is a splendid traditional art. I sincerely wish that the splendor of Ikebana will be appreciated by many people through this internet program. http://www.nihonkoryu.org/en/ |
16. Melbourne Koryu Kenkyukai, Tatsumi Ryu, Buko Ryu Melbourne koryu Kenkyukai, Liam Keeley teaches Japanese Classical Martial Arts Tatsumi ryu and Buko ryu in Melbourne, Australia. , http://users.bigpond.net.au/koryu/ | |
17. Koryu Books And Resources koryu, (literally, old style ) martial arts is relatively rare in the West, but it is making inroads as more and more students study in Japan and return to http://www.furyu.com/budores/koryubks.html | |
18. Koryu.com Search Results: Katori koryu.com Search Results. Bilingual Japanese and English koryu Books, 2007. US$75.00 (+shipping). ISBN13 978-1-890536-20-6. http://koryu.master.com/texis/master/search/?s=SS&q=Katori |
19. NIHON KORYU BUJUTSU | SOBUKAN : TAKEDA RYU, HAKKO RYU, SHINDO RYU, ASAYAMA ICHID aikido,aikibudo,takeda ryu,daito ryu,hakko ryu,asayama ichiden ryu,shindo yoshin ryu,shindo ryu,shintani,jujutsu,koryu bujutsu,ki,aiki jujutsu,aikikai http://www.freewebs.com/sobukan/ | |
20. Koryu Dojo Finder - E-Budo.com Looking for a koryu dojo? Please post and search here. http://www.e-budo.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=128 |
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