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21. Koryu Osaka, Roshi koryu Osaka Roshi was a lay Rinzai teacher. He succeeded to the Dharma of Joko Roshi, who, distressed by what he saw as the corruption of the priesthood, http://www.zendust.org/koryu.htm | |
22. Internet Archive: Details: Nihon Bugei - Tokyo 1988 Koryu Bugei Demonstration A very rare documentary filmed in Tokyo 1988, featuring some old martial traditions (Nihon koryu Bugei) of ancient samurais like http://www.archive.org/details/Nihon_Bugei_1988_DVD_trailer | |
23. British Aikido Association - Koryu-no-kata koryuDai-Ichi. Suwari-waza (Kneeling Techniques Section A). Oshi-taoshi; Tentai-oshi-taoshi; Tebubi-osae; Ryote-mochi-sumi-otoshi; Royte-mochi-kokyu-nage http://www.aikido-baa.org.uk/koryu.htm | |
24. Koryu-ji Temple koryuji is ancient temple that was established in the first part of the 7th century. The temple houses ancient Buddhist statues, including the http://www.jnto.go.jp/eng/arrange/attractions/facilities/shrines_temples/83dn3a0 | |
25. Martial Arts-Koryu-Iaido-Jodo-Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo In The USA Japanese martial arts dojo practicing jodo Muso Shinden Ryu iaido Kasumi Shinto Ryu kenjutsu Ikkaku Ryu jutte, Isshin Ryu kusarigama Uchida ryu http://www.jodo.com/ | |
26. Koryu Bujutsu - Martial Arts Planet Classical schools of Japanese martial arts developed Meiji Restoration. http://www.martialartsplanet.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=132 |
27. Genbukan / KJJR International Headquarters Grandmaster Tanemura refers to the art as koryu (classical or literally old school ) Karate (literally China hand , not the empty hand as in Okinawan http://www.genbukan.org/cgi-bin/site.pl?koryu |
28. Science Links Japan | Wakamono No Chiho Taiken Koryu Shien Jigyo (Chiiki Zukuri Wakamono no Chiho Taiken koryu Shien Jigyo (Chiiki Zukuri Intan Jigyo) Hokokusho Heisei 14 Nendo. Region construction course ( 14 municipalities ). http://sciencelinks.jp/j-east/journal/W/N20040524/2003.php | |
29. àc@l åäÛð¬¦ï The koryu Corner will be temporarily closed for book inventory on the following dates Sendai International Center koryu Corner Aobayama, Aoba-ku, http://www.sira.or.jp/english/exchange/exchange.html | |
30. Home > Publications > Periodicals Of JF > Kokusai Koryu Kikin News Kokusai koryu Kikin News This bulletin introduces the Foundation s major activities of the month. In addition to presenting the names of individuals and http://www.jpf.go.jp/e/publish/knews.html | |
31. Shinnai And Kuruma Ningyo 2007 The oldest son of headmaster Nishikawa koryu IV, he studied puppetry from his childhood under his father and in 1966, at age 13, was given his first stage http://www.shinnai-usa.org/koryu.shtml | |
32. Koryu - Bath - Lonely Planet Hotels & Hostels koryu, Bath Read independent author reviews and book online with Lonely Planet Hotels and Hostels. http://www.lonelyplanet.com/worldguide/destinations/europe/england/bath?poi=1605 |
33. Okinawa Karate & Kobudo Blog: Co-opting Koryu Traditions In Ryukyu Kobudo Why koryu traditions were coopted could probably end up being someone s dissertation, but suffice to say that a large portion of it has to do with http://okinawakarateblog.blogspot.com/2007/11/co-opting-koryu-traditions-in-ryuk | |
34. Koryu Yokotawaru (1925) Directed by Seika Shiba. With Kaku Hamada, Kokuten Kodo, Yôyô Kojima. Visit IMDb for Photos, Showtimes, Cast, Crew, Reviews, Plot Summary, Comments, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0408975/ | |
35. Koryu Kagemitsu@Everything2.com koryu Kagemitsu. created by mauler koryu Tang Meiji Sanskrit Fudo Bizen Kamakura Period Okubo Toshimichi Shikishima no Yamato Gokoro http://everything2.com/e2node/Koryu%20Kagemitsu | |
36. 3rd MJER Koryu Seminar In Belgium - Kendo World Forums 3rd MJER koryu seminar in Belgium Iaido. Go Back, Kendo World Forums Other Arts Iaido Reload this Page 3rd MJER koryu seminar in Belgium http://www.kendo-world.com/forum/showthread.php?t=17290 |
37. Koryu Uchinadi 2004 2004 koryu Uchinadi Seminar (Hanshi Patrick McCarthy) at the Okinawan Karate Club of Dallas is a traditional martial arts school serving Dallas, http://www.okinawankarateclub.com/gallery/seminars/McCarthy2004/index.htm | |
38. Pyrrosia Lingua 'Tachiba Koryu' From Asiatica Nursery Pyrrosia lingua Tachiba koryu Plant Review. Fill out the form below in its entirety and we ll add your review to our informative customer database of http://www.asiaticanursery.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=plants.plantDetail&plant_id= |
39. Koryu Uchinadi Drills 2 - AOL Video A compilation of ukemiwaza developed by Patrick McCarthy to be practiced as kihon in koryu Uchinadi Kenpo-jutsuMore here http//www.koryu-uchinadi.co http://video.aol.com/video-detail/koryu-uchinadi-drills-2/3135356325 | |
40. Koryu-uchinadi.com - Site Information From Alexa Alexa Site Overview for koryuuchinadi.com - learn more about International Ryukyu Karate Research Society statistics, where visitors come from, http://www.alexa.com/data/details/main/koryu-uchinadi.com | |
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