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61. Koryu Magazine The mission of koryu Magazine is to produce a free publication dedicated to education and dissemination of information to the general public concerning http://sec-intel.net/koryu_magazine.htm | |
62. Koryu Books - Publishers' Catalogue Home Page - Generate koryu Books United States Martial Arts Books http://www.lights.ca/publisher/db/3/753.html | |
63. Ryufukai Frequently Asked Questions -- Koryu Bujutsu koryu bujutsu translates roughly into classical martial arts . They are the fighting systems developed and implemented by Japan s feudal warrior class. http://www.goldengatemartialarts.com/Files/koryufaqs.html | |
64. Martial Arts Guide & Resources Directory: Koryu Bujutsu This site provides information and a resources directory regarding the history of Martial Arts. Provided is a brief summary explaining what a koryu bujutsu http://www.sealbeachsportcamp.com/koryubujutsu.php | |
65. Kanagawa-ku Kokusai Koryu No Kai (KANAK) Kanagawaku Kokusai koryu no Kai (KANAK) (Kanagawa-ku). Contact(Information available in the following languages). AOKI Yoko TEL. FAX 045-413-4078 http://www.yoke.or.jp/nihongomap05e/kanagawa/KANAK.html | |
66. Kingfisher Woodworks: Koryu Bokken koryu Bokken Short Swords Practice Knives (Tanto) Staffs (Jo, Hanbo, Yawara Others) Specials Maintenance Shipping Information http://mivasecure.abac.com/kingfisherwoodworks/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Co |
67. Koryu Dai Roku Blog Entries // Blog Post Tag Search // BlogCatalog Blog Catalog is the premiere social blog directory on the internet. Search, Browse, Rate and Review thousands of blog sites. http://www.blogcatalog.com/post-tag/koryu dai roku/ | |
68. Japanese Navy Ship Types--Type D (Koryu Type) Midget Submarines This page features interior photographs of Japanese Type D (koryu type) midget submarines. http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/sh-fornv/japan/japtp-ss/mdg-d-5.htm | |
69. BudoSeek! Martial Arts Community - Koryu In London? I am relocating to London soon (form Cape Town, South Africa) and want to start training in koryu. Preferably some kenjutsu or Shindo Muso Ryu Jo. http://www.budoseek.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=9912 |
70. Koryu-ji Temple, Kyoto koryuji Temple, Kyoto, tourist attractions, information, pictures, maps. http://www.planetware.com/kyoto/koryu-ji-temple-jpn-ks-kory.htm | |
71. What Is A Legitimate Koryu Anyway? I know it s nice to have a hobby folks but I read a lot of silliness on the net about which supposed koryu group is legit and who s not. http://ejmas.com/tin/2004tin/tinart_taylor_1104.html | |
72. JSTOR Corean Pottery-II. The Koryu Period COREAN POTTERYII THE BY R. L. HOBSON HE koryu dynasty was paramount in Corea from 918 to 1392 and the capital was located at Songdo, the modern Kaijo. http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0951-0788(193004)56:325<186:CPTKP>2.0.CO;2-8 |
73. Michi Online: Resources: Glossary : K : Koryu Kodokan kofude kohai koicha demae kokoro komi Ko Ryu koryu koto kumbhaka Kyofu Ryu kyokai Kyoshi kyu kyudo. koryu. Old style or old system/tradition. http://www.michionline.org/resources/Glossary/K/koryu.html | |
74. CJO - Abstract - Transformations Of Sensibility: The Phenomenology Of Meiji Lite Your browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document. http://journals.cambridge.org/production/action/cjoGetFulltext?fulltextid=786500 |
75. Koryu - Record By Opponent koryu record by opponent. Personal record of koryu vs. Asofuji koryu vs. Chiyohakuho (not available) koryu vs. Daimanazuru (not available) http://www.scgroup.com/sumo/mtgs/Koryu.html | |
76. Koryu Uchinadi Kenpo - Jutsu, Fitness, Yoga, Martial Arts Auckland City New Zeal Built upon timeless principles koryu Uchinadi is a way in which to condition the body, nurture the spirit and cultivate the mind. http://www.totaltravel.co.nz/travel/north-island/auckland/auckland/health/gymsfi | |
77. Aikido And Iaido At Itten Dojo, Near Harrisburg And Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania Itten Dojo Traditional Martial Arts of Japan Aikido and Iaido, located near Harrisburg, PA. http://www.ittendojo.org/ | |
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