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61. Tucson Orienteering Club Tucson orienteering Club A Meet at Kentucky Camp/Greaterville Western States and US Intercollegiate Championships. Information here. Results now posted! http://www.tucsonorienteering.org/ | |
62. SOUTHERN MICHIGAN ORIENTEERING CLUB SOUTHERN MICHIGAN orienteering CLUB. Our web site has moved to. www.MichiganO.org. http://www.angelfire.com/mi/SMOC/ | |
63. Rochester Orienteering Club HOTLINE 585377-5650. The ROC web site has moved to a new location. Its new address is http//roc.us.orienteering.org/ http://members.aol.com/RLShadow/ROCHome.HTM | |
64. Home Control Of Illinois River Valley Orienteering Club Website of the Illinois River Valley orienteering Club. Providing orienteering, adventure, learning and fun to Peoria and the surrounding region. http://www.il-orienteering.org/ | |
65. Orienteering Merit Badge Show that you know first aid for the types of injuries that could occur while orienteering, including cuts, scratches, blisters, snakebite, insect stings, http://usscouts.org/usscouts/mb/mb080.asp | |
66. BOS Home Page Or you can see us at most of the major orienteering meets in the northeast part of the US. THIS IS A SUMMARY OF THE orienteering MATERIALS WE CARRY http://world.std.com/~ona/BOS.html | |
67. NEOOC: Home The North Eastern Ohio orienteering club puts on orienteering events in the The NorthEastern Ohio orienteering Club organizes orienteering events for http://neooc.home.att.net/ | |
68. CSU Orienteering - Cambridge Sports Union - Boston An orienteering club in Boston, MA. CSU hosts the Boston Park orienteering Series. http://www.csu.attackpoint.org/ | |
69. Arctic Orienteering Club The Arctic orienteering Club home page has moved to www.oalaska.org . This redirection page will not be online forever, so please update your http://www.alaska.net/~oalaska/ | |
70. WIOL - Washington Interscholastic Orienteering League Juniors from the Pacific Northwest and throughout North America are organizing a USOF Class A orienteering meet in August. This will be the first Class A http://www.wiol.org/ | |
71. Orienteering Merit Badge For Boy Scouts BSA orienteering merit badge information for scouts and leaders. http://www.boyscouttrail.com/boy-scouts/meritbadges/orienteering.asp | |
72. Teaching Orienteering-2nd Edition - Human Kinetics Teaching orienteering (Second Edition) makes it easier than ever for busy teachers, leaders, and coaches to introduce orienteering skills and techniques to http://www.humankinetics.com/products/showproduct.cfm?isbn=0880118040 |
73. Who Will Own The Search Experience? - GigaOM Its interesting to think about whether we own it more with orienteering vs. because effective searching often involves orienteering finding http://gigaom.com/2007/10/18/who-will-own-the-search-experience/ | |
74. Sammamish Orienteering And Rogai About Sammamish orienteering and Rogaining Club This will also be the Western States orienteering Championship. Nov 2/4 US Champonships, Prince William http://www.sammamishorienteering.org/ | |
75. Badger Orienteering 2008 is here and it s time to start planning for some great Wisconsin orienteering. We ll have 4 events this year with 2 in the spring and 2 in the fall. http://userpages.chorus.net/kevin/ | |
76. Orienteering & Rogaining Events orienteering, or Hunt for hidden letterboxes, treasure, or solve puzzles. http://www.mapsurfer.com/sanct/maincal.map | |
77. Pacific Northwest Orienteering Festival of the Pacific Northwest thank you for taking part in the 2005 Pacific Northwest orienteering Festival! 2001 Pacific Northwest orienteering Festival http://www.pnwof.org/ | |
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