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1. Quoits - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia quoits (koits, kwoits) is a traditional lawn game involving the throwing of a metal or rubber ring over a set distance to land over a pin (hob) in the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quoits | |
2. THE QUOIT PITS Quoit Pitching in North America. Similar to Horseshoe Pitching, this competitive outdoor game is played with 4Pound Steel Rings. http://www.quoits.info/ | |
3. Quoits Direct - An Exciting And Competitive Game You May Not Have Known About. quoits is a fun game that rivals darts and billiards in popularity in the Northeast bars and back yards. Our goal is to bring this game into national http://www.quoitsdirect.com/ |
4. QUOITS-QUOITS,RUBBER QUOITS,BEACHQUOITS,QUOIT BOARDS,SHAPPYS shappysquoits sells league quoits , beach quoits , slate quoit boards, composite quoit boards. http://www.rubber-quoits.com/ | |
5. Quoits - Online Guide Detailed history of the game, pubs where it is played, rules, and where to buy. http://www.tradgames.org.uk/games/Quoits.htm | |
6. Quoits - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Quoits Hutchinson encyclopedia article about quoits. quoits. Information about quoits in the Hutchinson encyclopedia. quoit. http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/quoits | |
7. Quoits -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Britannica online encyclopedia article on quoits game in which players toss rings at a stake, called the hob. A ring that encircles the hob scores two http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9062319/quoits | |
8. Quoits - Definition From The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary Definition of quoits from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/quoits | |
9. Recreational Gaming Store Specializing In Quoit Boards, Quoits, Lawn Games, Poke quoits is a game that originated from the Pennsylvania Slate Belt Region in the 1930 s. It is a social game that has been past down from generation to http://www.quoitfactory.com/quoit-faq.html | |
10. Recreational Gaming Store Specializing In Quoit Boards, Quoits, Lawn Games, Poke For over 75 years Slate Quoit Boards have been played by thousands in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. A great social game that is truly competitive, exciting, http://kingcobragaming.com/quoits.html | |
11. Quoits - Wiktionary Plural form of quoit. Retrieved from http//en.wiktionary.org/wiki/quoits . Categories English nouns English uncountable nouns English plurals http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/quoits | |
12. Quoits - Definition Of Quoits By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus And Encyc Definition of quoits in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of quoits. What does quoits mean? quoits synonyms, quoits antonyms. Information about quoits in the http://www.thefreedictionary.com/quoits | |
13. Quoits - LoveToKnow 1911 quoits (0. Fr. coiter, quoiter, to incite), a pastime resembling the ancient discusthrowing which formed one of the five games of the Greek pentathlon (see http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/Quoits | |
14. Quoits Game Blog This is an online game of quoits. More fun than a barrel full of monkies! Heck, a barrel full of bears and bunnies for that matter too. http://quoits.blogspot.com/ | |
15. Fun-Attic Sports And Toys - History Of Quoits (Muckers) FunAttic Sports and Toys - Unique outdoor games, toys for active play and innovative sporting goods. Creative gifts for the sports/ring toss/quoits crowd. http://www.funattic.com/quoits_history.htm | |
16. HickokSports.com - Sports Rules - Quoits This document explains the rules of quoits and has links to official rules and other explanatory information. It is a page in the Rules section of http://www.hickoksports.com/rules/rquoits.shtml | |
17. QUOITS - USQA.ORG - The United States Quoiting Association - Governing Body For New sets of Official USQA quoits are now available for sale to the public! Get them only on usqa.org Not available anywhere else! http://www.usqa.org/ | |
18. FerrettiWeb - The Quoits Page Unless you happen to hail from the Lehigh Valley area, you re probably wondering what the hell is quoits? You may have heard of a version of the game that http://www.enter.net/~dferretti/ferrettiweb_quoits.html | |
19. Dagonell's Game Of The Month: Quoits, Dobblers And Horseshoes quoits is played with fully closed rings, slightly concave on top and slightly convex on the bottom. Horseshoes is played with Ushaped open rings. http://www.heronter.org/Library/GameoftheMonth/horseshoes.html | |
20. Quoits Free Encyclopedia Articles At Questia.com Online Library Research quoits and other related topics by using the free encyclopedia at the Questia.com online library. http://www.questia.com/library/encyclopedia/quoits.jsp |
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