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21. Rallying Point - Definitions From Dictionary.com Definitions of rallying Point at Dictionary.com. Advertisement. Perform a new search, or try your search for rallying Point at http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Rallying Point | |
22. L.A.âs Rallying Cry: Remember The Pinkie - NBA - MSNBC.com Opinion Kobe Bryant has refused doctor s advice that he have surgery on his injured finger. And the rest of the Lakers have responded. http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/23324333/ | |
23. Kenyan Riot Police Turn Back Rallying Protesters - New York Times Jan 4, 2008 Nairobi degenerated deeper into violence as police used tear gas, batons and water cannons to block a rally. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/04/world/africa/04kenya.html | |
24. No Freedom For 'dean Of Saudi Bloggers' - CNN.com The Saudi government has been extremely quiet about the detention of Fouad alFarhan, a 32-year-old father of two who has become a rallying cry for bloggers http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/meast/02/27/saudi.blogger/ | |
25. Rallying The Humanists - US News And World Report Jul 31, 2005 In the midst of a brouhaha in Buffalo last month over a gay men s choral performance at a church, Jeff Ingersoll opened up the Buffalo News. http://www.usnews.com/usnews/culture/articles/050808/8secular.b.htm | |
26. Food First/Institute For Food And Development Policy | For Land, Liberty, Jobs A Food Sovereignty Global rallying Cry of Farmer Movements. Also available in PDF format (190 kb). Peter Rosset*. Food sovereignty is the right of peoples to http://www.foodfirst.org/node/47 | |
27. South-East Asia's Exchange Rates | Perky Pesos, Rallying Rupiah | Economist Mar 30, 2006 Quick jump navigation. Skip to search tools; Skip to online features; Skip to print edition; Skip to main navigation; Skip to main content http://www.economist.com/displayStory.cfm?Story_ID=E1_GSQJNNQ |
28. VL Of Sport - Rallying World Rally Infosystem oldest exclusive World Championship rallying information service on the Internet . Rally reports, news, gossip and other http://sportsvl.com/wheel/rallying.htm | |
29. Rallying - Definition From The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary Definition of rallying from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/rallying | |
30. Rallying The Democrats James Nuechterlein contemplates the future of the Democratic party. http://www.commentarymagazine.com/viewArticle.cfm/Rallying-the-Democrats-10109 | |
31. RealClearPolitics - Articles - Rallying To McCain Jan 21, 2008 McCain s transition from 2000 maverick to 2008 establishmentarian was symbolized by his electioneve rally aboard the USS Yorktown aircraft http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2008/01/rallying_to_mccain.html | |
32. Jewish Current Issues: Rallying For Sderot rallying for Sderot. Last night, more than 2000 Jews and Christian Zionists rallied in Toronto for Sderot. Tonight in Los Angeles the Live for Sderot http://jpundit.typepad.com/jci/2008/02/rallying-for-sd.html | |
33. The View From Taiwan: Rallying With Chiu Tai-san Today we took the family over to Fengyuan for a rally for Chiu Taisan, the DPP candidate for Taichung County Commissioner. The rally commenced in the http://michaelturton.blogspot.com/2005/11/rallying-with-chiu-tai-san.html | |
34. Rallying Around Their Racist Friend Apr 11, 2007 In the aftermath of the racial outburst that got talkshow host Don Imus\ dropped from MSNBCreferring to the Rutgers women\ s basketball http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=3083 |
35. Rallying Behind Open Access :: Inside Higher Ed :: Higher Education's Source For www.insidehighered.com/news/2006/07/28/provosts Similar pages rallying to hire scores for Brookhaven Lab Newsday.comMar 6, 2008 Deborah Lange and her Brookhaven National Laboratory team of one part-time and two full-time recruiters have their jobs cut out for them http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2006/07/28/provosts | |
36. PDC 2005: Rallying Point For Redmond | CNET News.com Sep 16, 2005 PDC 2005 rallying point for Redmond Developers gather in LA to hear the latest from Microsoft on Windows Vista, Office 12 and more. http://business2-cnet.com.com/PDC 2005 Rallying point for Redmond/2009-1016_3-58 | |
37. Memphis Daily News - Home Mar 4, 2008 New Playground Could Become CooperYoung rallying Point JONATHAN DEVIN The Daily News. COMMUNITY PROPERTY Peabody Elementary School is http://www.memphisdailynews.com/Editorial/StoryLead.aspx?id=101645 |
38. Hotline On Call: Rallying For Romney rallying For Romney. A couple highprofile endorsements for Mitt Romney today talk show gal and rabid conservative Laura Ingraham and former PA Sen. http://hotlineblog.nationaljournal.com/archives/2008/02/rallying_for_ro.html | |
39. COLLEGES; The Squabbling Illini: Rallying Cries Lead To Rift - New York Times COLLEGES; The Squabbling Illini rallying Cries Lead to Rift. EMAIL Print Single-Page; Save. By MIKE WISE. Published December 16, 2003 http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C02E0D7113CF935A25751C1A9659C8B6 |
40. KnowledgePlex: Article: Rallying Against Urban Sprawl WalMart s attempt to build a third Supercenter in Cordova has evolved into a classic NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) battle. It s a fight that residents, http://www.knowledgeplex.org/news/1283631.html | |
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