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41. Wooof! Pirates On Shinty Tour In Inverness « The Grangemouth Pirates Of The Car Pirates on shinty Tour in Inverness. A small band of Senators sailed north to Inverness this weekend to see Senator Malkys distant relatives in action in http://grangemouthpirates.wordpress.com/2007/09/24/wooof-pirates-on-shinty-tour- | |
42. Shinty - Encyclopedia Article - Citizendium shinty (Gaelic Camanachd, The sport of the curved stick) is a sport popular in Scotland, particularly the Highlands and Islands. http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Shinty | |
43. DMHC Shinty - Driebergen Translate this page Naar shinty website. http://www.shinty.nl/ | |
44. About Us Offers club and local history, player and team profiles, results, fixtures and contacts. http://www.invernessshinty.co.uk/ | |
45. Shinty Back For A Fixture With The Future | Sunday Herald, The | Find Articles A shinty back for a fixture with the future from Sunday Herald, The in News provided free by Find Articles. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4156/is_20000130/ai_n9624832 | |
46. Shinty Family Tree And Genealogy Links At Surname Finder Resources for your shinty family tree research project. Saves time by doing multiple searches from one convenient page. http://www.genealogytoday.com/surname/finder.mv?Surname=Shinty |
47. Inverness Shinty Club NessShinty The 195152 season was the most successful in the history of Inverness shinty Club. Despite losing 3-2 to Lovat in the first round of the MacTavish Cup they http://www.bebo.com/Profile.jsp?MemberId=4405012256 |
48. Shinty Sticks (Camans) shinty (iomain or camanachd in Scottish Gaelic) is a team sport of the stick and ball variety that has been played in the Scottish Highlands for many http://www.scotland.on.ca/shinty.shtml | |
49. MySpace.com - Glasgow University Shinty Club - 51 - Male - UK - Www.myspace.com/ MySpace profile for Glasgow University shinty Club with pictures, videos, personal blog, interests, information about me and more. http://www.myspace.com/glasgowunishinty | |
50. Shinty Directory Of Shinty Websites This Category is for shinty related websites only. If you have a shinty related website and would like to see it listed on this page please feel free to http://www.webworldindex.com/phtml/Recreation_and_Sports/Sports/Shinty/ | |
51. BBC NEWS | Scotland | Edinburgh And East | Pupils Spark Shinty Craze In Fife shinty takes off at Aberdour Primary School with children all over Fife flocking to play the sport. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/edinburgh_and_east/5071470.stm | |
52. Shinty - Research The News About Shinty - From HighBeam Research shinty Research the news about shinty from 3000 Business, Academic and General interest magazines, newspapers, journals, and reference publications at http://www.highbeam.com/search.aspx?q=shinty&ref_id=ency_MALT |
53. Shinty Pictures From Extreme Sports Photos On Webshots shinty pictures published by hereyam. Tags Glengarry, shinty, sport, see more Album created Sat Mar 24 115124 PDT 2007 http://sports.webshots.com/album/558340512cAZgla | |
54. Spot The Shinty Ball Every week in The Oban Times we carry a photograph taken at a recent shinty match in which the position of the ball has been hidden. http://www.zkz86.dial.pipex.com/shinty/index.htm | |
55. My Crazy Life Shinty! This is the most important event in the shinty world, a bit like the Football World Cup. For anyone who has never seen or even heard of shinty have a look http://allybea.blogspot.com/2007/09/shinty.html |
56. Shinty Accessories - Offers For Shinty Accessories - Exporters, Manufacturers, S shinty accessories supplier directory over 3000000 registered importers and exporters. shinty accessories suppliers from China and around the world, http://www.tradekey.com/ks-shinty-accessories/ | |
57. Keeping Out Of The D: Shinty / Hurling - What Is The Point? It may be a hybrid sport with compromise rules perhaps purists dont like it ,but shinty needs this international dimension. From the reactions of the http://keepingoutofthed.blogspot.com/2005/08/shinty-hurling-what-is-point.html | |
58. Howstuffworks "Shinty - Encyclopedia Entry" Learn about shinty. Read our encyclopedia entry on shinty. http://reference.howstuffworks.com/shinty-encyclopedia.htm | |
59. Shinty â Wikipedia Translate this page shinty (schottisch-gälisch Camanachd) ist ein alter keltischer Sport aus Schottland. Dort ist es eine der beliebtesten Sportarten. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinty | |
60. Catastrophic Inversion: Shinty Season Review Long ago, in another life (last February) I made my predictions for the shinty season which has just ended. I anticipated a midtable finish and early cup http://catastrophicinversion.blogspot.com/2007/12/shinty-season-review.html | |
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