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61. Dan Socci - Pipl Profile Pipl profile of Dan socci. Quick facts, related people, online personal profiles, publications, contact details and much more. http://pipl.com/directory/people/Dan/Socci | |
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63. ScienceandtheNews Anthony socci, Ph.D., is Senior Climate Science Advisor with EPA s Office of From 1994 to 2000, socci had been Associate Executive Director of the http://www.environmentwriter.org/scienceandthenews/bios/asocci.htm | |
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67. The American Surveyor Magazine - Land Surveying And Mapping Online - Authors Laurence socci is Chief Executive Manager of The CLA Group, a government consulting, lobbying and advocacy firm in Washington, DC. He is also the government http://www.amerisurv.com/content/category/17/205/136/ | |
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69. Scientific Commons Nicholas D. Socci Monticelli, Silvia, Ansel, K Mark, Xiao, Changchun, socci, Nicholas D, Krichevsky, Barberi, Tiziano, Willis, Lucy M, socci, Nicholas D, Studer, Lorenz http://en.scientificcommons.org/nicholas_d_socci | |
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74. Government Relations, Lobbying And Advocacy Firm The C.L.A. Group, LLC --- The CLA Group is a government affairs firm based in Washington, DC whose central role is to bring client issues before the federal government and other key http://www.theclagroup.com/ | |
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