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1. Bluewater Tug-of-War Club Web Site Located in Dashwood, Ontario, Canada. Includes news, history, results, tournaments, member list, photos, standings, rules, and related links. http://www.tug-of-war.net/ | |
2. Index Home page of USATOWA, United States tugof-war Association. http://usatowa.homestead.com/ | |
3. Pep Rally Tug-of-war Results In Severed Hands - Other Sports - MSNBC.com It was supposed to be a celebration at Lutheran High School, but the homecoming festivities turned into a tragic accident. During a pep rally inside the http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21281586/ | |
4. Minimalist's Tug-of-War | Physical Review Focus Computer simulations suggest the interlaced structure of a composite material forced to balance competing demands. http://focus.aps.org/story/v10/st26 | |
5. DJ's Tug Of War Club Website designed to promote DJs tugof-war Team and the sport of tug-of-war in general. http://djstugofwar.homestead.com/ | |
6. Tug Of War - Paul McCartney Tug of War album by Paul McCartney including album title, track listings, release dates, guest artists, record label info and user reviews on AOL Music. http://music.aol.com/album/tug-of-war/10342 | |
7. Tug-of-war -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Britannica online encyclopedia article on tugof-war athletic contest between two teams at opposite ends of a rope, each team trying to drag the other http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9073698/tug-of-war | |
8. Multi-way Tug-of-war - Description Of A Fun, Physical, Teambuilding Activity First command from the tugof-war master is take the strain . This is only to take up the slack, that s all. The tug-of-war master makes sure the centre http://wilderdom.com/games/descriptions/MultiWayTugOfWar.html | |
9. JS Online: Patent Tug-of-war Waged In Congress Feb 17, 2008 Patent tugof-war waged in Congress. Big companies, small inventors struggle over U.S. system. By KATHLEEN GALLAGHER http://www.jsonline.com/story/index.aspx?id=718791 |
10. Tug Of War Over Troops - World Blog - Msnbc.com Tug of war over troops. Posted Tuesday, March 04, 2008 1028 AM Meanwhile there s a tugof-war developing within the military for what U.S. troops will http://worldblog.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2008/03/04/727790.aspx | |
11. Urban Legends Reference Pages: Horrors (Disarmament) Did two men lose their arms in a grisly tugof-war contest? Origins On 25 October 1997, a mass tug-of-war contest was held at a park along the Keelung http://www.snopes.com/photos/gruesome/disarmed.asp | |
12. Tug Of War Over Gitmo - US News And World Report Nov 30, 2007 Key cases this week signal the strain over prisoners rights. http://www.usnews.com/articles/news/2007/11/30/legal-tug-of-war-over-gitmo-and-p | |
13. Tug-of-war For Taiwan's Identity | Csmonitor.com Taiwan holds its firstever referendum in a presidential election that may define Taiwan-China ties. http://www.csmonitor.com/2004/0319/p06s02-woap.html | |
14. Dems Face A Tug-of-war In Own Tent Oct 29, 2006 Dems face a tugof-war in own tent. ArticleDems face a tug-of-war in own tent/c/a/2006/10/29/MNGUJM26MQ1.DTL http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2006/10/29/MNGUJM26MQ1.DTL |
15. Tug-of-War (ToW) tugof-war supports games with more than two players. Up to four players may play together by including all of their userids in the tow challenge command. http://www.gamerz.net/pbmserv/tow.html | |
16. Marriage - Now & Forever - Win The In-law Tug-of-war InLaw tug-of-war. Caught in the middle? Here are ways to create some independence while staying close to the families you love. by Ingrid Lawrenz http://www.christianitytoday.com/mp/8m1/8m1068.html | |
17. Tug-of-War Over Trade - TIME tugof-war Over Trade. Monday, Dec. 15, 2003 By MATT FORNEY/BEIJING. NATIONAL TEXTILES CEO Jerry Rowland worries that cheap Chinese textile and clothing http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1101031222-561512-1,00.html | |
18. Access : : Nature Patent reform prompts intellectual tugof-war. Top of page. Abstract. Reform of the patent process in the United States is shaping up as a battle of wills http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v437/n7063/full/4371230a.html | |
19. SPACE.com -- How Tennis Shoes And Tug-of-War Toppled The Mighty Saturn V Back in 1966, engineers pushed and pulled a Saturn V rocket in a test. What could go wrong? http://www.space.com/news/cs-080107-saturn5-tennisshoes-topple.html | |
20. A School's Battle For Our Saviour Phenom Two weeks later, however, after an ugly tugof-war over Riek s future that . But Riek had no idea there would be a tug-of-war over where he attended high http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/hschool/2007/08/19/2007-08-19_the_tug_of_war_- | |
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