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1. WALLYBALL ASSOCIATION(AWA) THE AMERICAN WALLYBALL ASSOCIATION Governs and manages all forms of wallyball worldwide. Site contains news, merchandise and information on playing sites, tournaments, leagues, equipment and http://www.wallyball.com/ |
2. Wallyball - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia wallyball (known in some places as rebound volleyball) is a fastpaced sport that was invented by Joe Garcia in 1979 and originally called ricochet ball. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wallyball | |
3. CourtMasters Wallyball Home Page Rob Drake s wallyball site. Contains wallyball description and history, survey, rules, tournaments, leagues and photos. http://hometown.aol.com/courtmstrs/homepg.htm | |
4. CLIP www.wholphindvd.com/movies/wallyball.html 2k - Cached - Similar pages wallyball - The Sports AuthoritySports Authority has wallyball products and a huge selection of other sporting goods at great prices. http://www.wholphindvd.com/movies/wallyball.html |
5. Wallyball wallyball action just north and west of Boston. Learn about the wallyball rules and watch the wallyball video. http://www.wildmanproduction.com/wallyball/wallyball.html | |
6. Main With King and Queen of the Court , league and tournament information and photos. http://wallyball.homestead.com/main.html | |
7. La Mesa Racquetball & Wallyball Located in La Mesa, California, USA. Home of the world s largest wallyball league. http://www.lamesaracquetball.com/ | |
8. Wallyball_Rules_Page wallyball is not just volleyball played in a racquetball court. It is a separate sport with separate rules, and playing the sport requires the development http://www.wallyball-info.com/Wallyball_Rules_Page.html | |
9. Dick's Sporting Goods - Team Sports: Volleyball: Wallyball Dick s Sporting Goods Buy wallyball products from the leading online sporting goods retailer. http://www.dickssportinggoods.com/sm-wallyball--fi-2796807_cp-2367820.2796792.ht | |
10. Wally Ball wallyball is like volleyball in the racquetball court. The game of wallyball is fast paced and fun for everyone. The league will play 3 vs. http://kernersville.ymcanwnc.org/content118.html | |
11. UT RecSports - Activities - Wallyball wallyball. Ways to play. Informal Recreation. Who can play? Informal Recreation is open to any currently enrolled UT student, RecSports members, http://www.utrecsports.org/activities/activities/wallyball.php | |
12. Wallyball Tournament :: Events Calendar wallyball Tournament. Friday, March 14, 2008 600 PM 1155 PM. Sign up in advance to play; or come to cheer on the participants. Campus Location http://calendar.oregonstate.edu/event/15969/ | |
13. UMass Amherst Intramurals - Wallyball wallyball Logo. Divisions Men, Women, CoRec Regular Season Format Round Robin Seedings None Playoffs Single elimination. In order to play a team must http://www.umass.edu/campusrec/intramurals/springsports/wallyball/index.html | |
14. IM Wallyball IM wallyball League Mondays Wednesdays 810 pm @ Merrill Gym racquet courts wallyball Playing Rules. Choice of Court Side or Service. http://abacus.bates.edu/IM/short_term_activities/imwallyballRules.html | |
15. Kansas State Collegian Apr 24, 2007 David Hembree, senior in mathematics, attempts to block a spike by Lance Neher, senior in management, during a wallyball match Thursday http://media.www.kstatecollegian.com/media/storage/paper1022/news/2007/04/24/New | |
16. I Dig Wallyball wallyball, skateboarding, surfing, snowboarding, bmx, skating, skysurfing and more. http://www.idig.com/sports/idig_unique_extreme_sports/wallyball_pg.htm | |
17. Registration Begins For Basketball, Wallyball : The University Daily Kansan Intramural basketball and wallyball teams may start registering today. Registration can be done at http//kansas.imtrackonline.com. http://www.kansan.com/stories/2008/jan/17/registration/ | |
18. Racquetball/Wallyball Courts: SAC Facilities: Indiana University South Bend Racquetball/wallyball Courts SAC Facilities Indiana University South Bend. http://www.iusb.edu/~sbsac/rballcourt.shtml | |
19. Wallyball | Pavilion Sports | PRO Sports Club wallyball is an exciting fast paced game that resembles volleyball, yet it is played in the confines of a racquetball court. http://www.proclub.com/Home/AthleticsFitness/PavilionSports/Wallyball/tabid/410/ | |
20. Skates's Wallyball Court Sand Volleyball Court wallyball Court 1 wallyball Court 2 Player List Tiles At the net 1 Playing wallyball 2 Playing wallyball 3 Playing wallyball 4 http://www.uswallyball.com/Photos/Skates.aspx | |
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