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Wiffleball: more detail |
21. Wiffleball « Heavy Hitter Baseball Directory :: Powered By HeayHitter.com My website about a wiffleball league I am in. We have your own field and there are currently four players two on each team in a 20 game season. http://www.heavyhitter.com/dir/Wiffleball/ | |
22. Kalamazoo Wiffleball League Home Columns Schedule Stats Rules Records Fields Media Contact Links Desktops. Banner1. Banner1sm Banner2sm Banner3sm Banner4sm http://www.kzoowiffleball.com/ | |
23. O.J.'s Wiffleball Obsession Fan page of the game listing make believe scenerios and rules. http://thejuice_did_it.tripod.com/ojswiffleballobsession/ | |
24. Sportsvite - Organize A Wiffleball Game, Recruit For Your Wiffleball Team, And M People and teams playing wiffleball. Find players for your wiffleball team in a organization, set up a wiffleball pickup game, or just set up a wiffleball http://www.sportsvite.com/sports/Wiffleball | |
25. Wiffleball Association (WBA) Of San Diego wiffleball is the passion of the San Diegobased wiffleball Association (WBA), and this site describes the history and background of the WBA, http://www.mraymond.com/wiffleballsandiego/ | |
26. Crib Wiffleball Page www.rottina.com/wiffleball/ Similar pages Neighborhood wiffleball LeagueWelcome to the Neighborhood wiffleball League located out of Salem, New Hampshire. We were established in 1999 by a group of young players. http://www.rottina.com/wiffleball/ |
27. COLUMBIA COWLITZ WIFFLEBALL ASSOCIATION 2008 - (Portland, OR The home on the web for Cowlitz County s Wiffle®ball Association including schedule, standings, stats and other info. http://www.leaguelineup.com/ccwa/ | |
28. Manch-Vegas Wiffleball League Welcome to the home of the ManchVegas wiffleball League. The league is based out of Manchester, NH and it was founded by Co-Commissioners Bryan Marble and http://www.manchvegaswiffleball.com/ | |
29. MySpaceTV Videos: Search Results For Tag "wiffleball" a tribute to team poland s historic victory in the first ever 2007 World wiffleball Classic. Team Poland is hoping to repeat in 2008. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.search&t=wiffleball |
30. Welcome To Whiffleball.org www.whiffleball.org/ 1k - wiffleball career, a three-run line drive home run that not only helped his own cause, but also the hopes http://www.whiffleball.org/ |
31. Wiffleball (sport) - Baseball Dictionary And Research Guide wiffleball a variation of baseball designed for indoor or outdoor play in confined areas; played using a plastic perforat. http://www.123exp-baseball.com/t/02684380621/ | |
32. Wiffle Ball@Everything2.com The design of the wiffleball also makes it nearly impossible to hit or throw a great distance, which allows a wiffleball game to consist of as few as two http://everything2.com/e2node/wiffle%20ball | |
33. Alvernia College Athletics - Wiffleball Pennsylvania Athletic Conference Logo ECAC Logo NCAA Website. wiffleball THE 2008 wiffleball SEASON BEGINS THE WEEK OF MARCH 17th! http://athletics.alvernia.edu/sports/2007/8/10/IM_Wiffleball.aspx?tab=intramural |
34. Wiffleball World Series ~ Media Center Bennys backyard was a legendary wiffleball field. Armed with handwritten lineups consisting of ballplayers of the day, Jimmy would occasionally challenge http://www.lockergnome.com/media/2006/07/03/wiffleball-world-series/ | |
35. Wombat Wiffleball League Based in the scenic Hudson Valley of New York, the Wombat wiffleball League enters it s 20th year in 2007. The league has seen over 140 players take their http://wombatny.tripod.com/ | |
36. Wiffleball: Blogs, Photos, Videos And More On Technorati http//journals.aol.com/buckweed616/yarmouthwiffleball-league No authority yet Bloggin about the Fresno wiffleball League and wiffle in general http://technorati.com/blogs/tag/wiffleball | |
37. Wiffle Ball Rules | Intramural Sports | Student Rec Center | WVU wiffleball Rules. 1. All rules in the Intramural Policies and Procedures Handbook shall supercede the following rules should a conflict between the two http://www.wvu.edu/~src/intramurals/rules/wiffleball.html | |
38. Conceptual Wiffleball Club - Tribe.net following a dialectical basepath to backyard plastic perfection, we are the philosphers and practitioners of fantasy/theoretical/metaphorical LIGHT baseball http://conceptualwiffleball.tribe.net/ | |
39. Edd Pedro's 4th Annual Wiffleball Tournament The 4th Annual Edd Pedro s Fight for a Cure wiffleball Tournament was once again a complete success! Together we helped raise over $28000 to fight juvenile http://www.wiffleman.com/ | |
40. Wiffleball Archives Just learned from the PWL Commish that the bureaucrats over at the National Park Service are putting an end to our glorious wiffleball Sundays at Gravelly http://www.lindsayfincher.com/wiffleball/ | |
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