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21. NetSERF: Architecture Over 130000 images of art and architecture mainly from the Mediterranean Basin. You can view all the images, just one at a time. http://www.netserf.org/Architecture/ | |
22. DeveloperWorks : Architecture Find complete listings of the articles, tutorials, project info, and news you need to stay upto-date on developing architecture projects. http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/architecture | |
23. Digital Archive Of European Architecture Online archive of images of architecture from around the world. http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/cas/fnart/arch/ | |
24. Carnegie Mellon University School Of Architecture Supplies information the school s people, educational programs, admissions, site resources and special events. http://www.arc.cmu.edu/ |
25. Architecture Design For Architects | Architectural Record Also, meet a fierce fivesome, Situ Studio, who mix architecture with geology, biology, and more. Schools of the 21st Century Schools of the 21st Century http://archrecord.construction.com/ | |
26. Thecoolhunter.net Finnish architect and artist Sami Rintala, together with architecture student Janne Saario, has created The Mill, a modern wilderness hut that will be http://www.thecoolhunter.net/architecture/ | |
27. YSOA | Yale School Of Architecture Information on degree programs, seminars and opportunities. Requires Flash plugin to access site. http://www.architecture.yale.edu/ | |
28. Welcome To MIT Architecture Educational environment for the study and practice of architecture and art. Provides details of degree courses, staff, recent studios and workshops, http://architecture.mit.edu/ | |
29. Architecture architecture. Castles of the World Reference for castles, palaces and monasteries Medieval architecture in Western Europe From A.D. 300 to 1500 http://www.castles.org/architecture/ | |
30. Architecture Web Resources architecture Internet Resources, a database of valuable internet resources created and maintained by the UNLV architecture Studies Library, Jeanne Brown ASL http://library.nevada.edu/arch/rsrce/webrsrce/contents.html | |
31. Directory Of Open Access Journals Middle East Technical University Journal of the Faculty of architecture ISSN 02585316 Publisher Faculty of architecture, University of Zagreb http://www.doaj.org/doaj?func=subject&cpid=2 |
32. University Of Washington Department Of Architecture Offers courses and degree programs at a variety of levels to address the needs and interests of those who are interested in architecture and related http://depts.washington.edu/archdept/ | |
33. Browser Select a search type for architecture or select another kind of object Site Period Architect Region Type. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/browser?object=building |
34. AKROPOLIS.NET - The Internet Community For Architecture And Construction Welcome to architecture CAREERS, an interactive guide to careers in architecture designed to assist you in becoming an architect! It assists you in learning http://www.akropolis.net/~zeus/archcareers/index2.asp | |
35. Architecture - The Empire That Was Russia: The Prokudin-Gorskii PhotographicReco architecture. Nilova Monastery The architectural richness of the Russian Empire reflected its long history and the cultural, ethnic, and religious diversity http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/empire/architecture.html | |
36. Inhabitat » Architecture Futureforward design for the world you inhabit - your daily source for innovations in sustainable architecture and green design for the home. http://www.inhabitat.com/category/architecture/ | |
37. Cornell Department Of Architecture Offers an MA and Ph.D. in history of architecture and urbanism. Includes student handbook, news and events. http://www.aap.cornell.edu/arch/ | |
38. DCMI Architecture Forum Charter The objectives of the architecture Forum are to discuss and develop a model, strategy and roadmap for the practical deployment of Dublin Core http://dublincore.org/groups/architecture/ | |
39. Architecture | The WWW Virtual Library architecture en · es · fr · zh VL logo © VL logo ©. The WWW Virtual Library architecture. Quick search. Broader Categories http://vlib.org/Architecture | |
40. Turkish Architecture - All About Turkey At the time when the Seljuk Turks first came to Iran, they encountered an architecture based on old traditions. Integrating this with elements from their http://www.allaboutturkey.com/mimari.htm | |
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