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         Fermat Theorem:     more books (100)
  1. Fermat's Last Theorem: Unlocking the Secret of an Ancient Mathematical Problem by Amir D. Azcel, Amir D. Aczel, 2007-10-12
  2. Fermat's Last Theorem for Amateurs by Paulo Ribenboim, 1999-02-11
  3. Fermat's Enigma: The Epic Quest to Solve the World's Greatest Mathematical Problem by Simon Singh, 1998-09-08
  4. Fermat's Last Theorem: A Genetic Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) by Harold M. Edwards, 2000-01-14
  5. Modular Forms and Fermat's Last Theorem (Volume 0)
  6. Algebraic Number Theory and Fermat's Last Theorem: Third Edition by Ian Stewart, David Tall, 2001-12-01
  7. Invitation to the Mathematics of Fermat-Wiles by Yves Hellegouarch, 2001-10-17
  8. The World's Most Famous Math Problem: The Proof of Fermat's Last Theorem and Other Mathematical Mysteries by Marilyn vos Savant, 1993-10-15
  9. Notes on Fermat's Last Theorem by Alfred J. van der Poorten, 1996-02-02
  10. Elliptic Curves, Modular Forms and Fermat's Last Theorem, 2nd Edition by various, 1998-01-01
  11. Number Theory Related to Fermat's Last Theorem (Progress in Mathematics) by Neal Koblitz, 1983-04
  12. Fermat's Last Theorem by Ran Van Vo, 2002-03
  13. Seminar on Fermat's Last Theorem: 1993-1994 The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Conference Proceedings (Canadian Mathematical Society))
  14. Fermat's Last Theorem Proved: Award Offered for Refutation by Shafi U. Ahmed, 1990-03-15

1. The Fermat Little Theorem, With Extended Hint , A Proof By Brian
The Fermat Little Theorem, with extended hint , a proof by Brian S. McMillan. IF (2^(P1)-1)/P = Integer, Fermat c 1650 WHERE P = Prime or Pseudo-Prime
property."The Fermat Little Theorem, with extended hint", a proof by Brian S. McMillan. IF: (2^(P-1)-1)/P = Integer, Fermat c 1650 WHERE: P = Prime or Pseudo-Prime AND: (2^(P-1)-1)/P = N (PN±2) McMillan c2003 THEN: (2^((P-1)/2) ±1)/P = N Integer The last two equations above completes the proof. However, since an algebraic proof in its most simple terms, has never been provided, since Fermat was in the habit of not providing any, saying he would except-for fear of it being to long. And, since the proof that I have discovered is so brief, and in its simplest terms, it is highly unlikely that Fermat ever had one! These equations provide proof for the Twin- Primes Conjecture and a host of other related conjectures, including the Fermat Conjecture above; It can now be called a theorem! The following equation is useful in that the fidelity of the original Fermat equation is maintained through a yield of the integer for Pseudo-Primes and Prime "P" or the fraction for Non-Primes. HENCE: (2^((P-1)/2) -P(N-1) ±1)/P = 1 In the last equation, N can be any number at all, as long as its an integer. My name is Brian S. McMillan, I discovered this, I AM LUCKY MAN Santa Rosa California. PS. I have continued the liberty of using the smallest base "2" as this is the most popular base of choice. I have, therefore, only provided an informal proof and a more formal one can be provided on request. I have also been working on a wonderful proof for the Wilson Theorem. Thank You for your attention in this matter. PSS. Hint: Some programs such a "Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code" or BASIC, have the option of removing the mantissa. In this case the algorythm yielding N, may be inserted inside the final equation above, with the mantissa removed using a command at the address prior to insertion. This will always yield a one+- a fraction for non-primes or one for primes and pseudo-primes, no matter how large the prime exponent is... FANTASTIC! SIGNED: Brian S. McMillan PPSS. Application of the computer BASIC "cheat" to the original Little Fermat Equation; where the "INT" command is applied to a duplicate formula in the denominator creating a differential equation... would be the easiest way to kick out primes... but then a good old fasioned proof would not have been presented! Hope you like it... really. Oh yea, if you really want to get to the bottom of things, use the "cheat" with the Wilson Theorem... No pseudo-primes! THEORY: Since "nothing" can exist in "less or more" than 3-dimensions (at least, not so far as anyone has been able to prove) and material volume is measured in the dimensions of x,y,z; that is, it has height, width and depth. This is measured as a solid, liquid, gas or plasma of any fundamental unit of the material to be measured, and this, in relation to a finite bounded volume. This might be why it is not possible to find an exponent greater than 2 as a solution to the more famous "Fermat's Last Theorem"... as it would be alot like trying to "Square a Circle". Since the 2-dimensional surface area of any designated length involves the "Squaring" of that particular dimensional measurement. And this "Area" is directly related to a "Surface" or real estate of actual physical

2. Tales From The River;;;;;;
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tales from the river
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Then it Was
how the boy claimed the wooden sword
Then it was,
I saw eyes,
somehow knew the others did not see,
looked at my knife,
sprite's sign,
spirit light.
And in the darkness,
came the two cats.
Silver, gold eyes.
They touched the staff which I had given, to boy. And it rippled, became a wooden sword. Sheath and hilt. And the others watched, in amazement. And a voice, two together one, was heard. Boy, you have been, chosen, worthy of, this gift. The sword is ever-sharp, it will never blunt nor break. Its power, is for you and your blood, til the earth falls, You shall be the protectors, of your kind. For we have Seen, and man shall need it. The river shone, through fey gift. I saw, it was true. And boy, had come of age. He was silent, fire in his eyes.

3. Number Theory
{n int.1}(Lt_zed zero_zed n) m=abs_nat n{llist (modulo n)}(Distin l)- Le (length l) m fermat_theorem = {pint.1}(Prime1 p)- {aamodulo p}(not
Next: Other work Up: Example Proof developments Previous: The Rationals
Number Theory
This section describes briefly an example development of some theorems of number theory using the library. This development contains some 200 theorems, we just give some of the more important definitions and state the theorems proved. The files are held in a directory called First we need some more facts about integers. We define an elimination rule for the integers and an induction principle. We need some more operations on integers. We work towards defining primenessthe four definitions given are all proved equivalent so whichever is the most convenient for a given proof can be used. Some more definitionswe define integers modulo some constant as a quotient type. And finally the theorems.
Fri May 24 19:01:27 BST 1996

10 Fermat s theorem online, dostupné z http//en.wikipedia. org/wiki/fermat_theorem, citováno 15. 5. 2007. P íklad citace z denního tisku
Katedra Pro zájemce o studium Pro studenty Pro zamìstnance Vìda a výzkum Ostatní Historie a souèasnost Seznam èlenù katedry Úøední deska Struktura studia ... Podpora studia Bakaláøské studium Magisterské studium Doktorandské studium Diplomové práce Konzultaèní hodiny Obìžníky Odbory Fotogalerie ... Pravidla pro psaní diplomových prací Katedra matematické analýzy a aplikací matematiky Pøírodovìdecká fakulta Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci
Úvodní ustanovení Podle vysokoškolského zákona §§ 45 až 47b zák. 111/1998 je oficiálním názvem bakaláøská práce pro diplomovou práci na bakaláøském stupni studia, a diplomová práce pro diplomovou práci na magisterském stupni studia. V pøípadì, že není nutné rozlišovat mezi bakaláøskou prací a diplomovou prací, je v dalším textu použito pouze zkrácené oznaèení práce. Studenti jsou povinni si zvolit téma práce nejpozdìji jeden rok pøed termínem jejího odevzdání (pokud není dohodnut jiný termín pøímo s vedoucím práce). Termíny odevzdání bakaláøských a diplomových prací jsou vždy na zaèátku akademického roku stanoveny katedrou. Diplomová práce se odevzdává ve dvou shodných exempláøích, které se nevracejí, ale zùstávají majetkem školy, a v elektronické podobì.
1. Obsahová stránka

5. From McMillan, Brian Sent Wednesday, February 20, 2008 352 PM
http// http// http//
From: McMillan, Brian
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2008 5:08 PM
To: McMillan, Brian
Subject: fermatmersenne
On The Properties of Integers A Fermat-Mersenne Omission Strategy plus Fermat-Mersenne Prime Sequence to Base 2 by Brian S. McMillan This is not quite finished yet, however here are some interesting highlights, and some solid proofs that have never been performed in this way. I've just worked out the rest of the closure rules for multiplication and division (not just exponents or addition and subtraction) and will be completing my proof at a later date, because quite honestly I have been so sidetracked by all of the possibilities as this is truly a one-of-a-kind breakthrough, however I am sure that you will enjoy the (Secret Lives of Integers)... I hope that you all like it. Thank you. Note: This may be defined as "The Fundamental Principle of Integers". These tools were at the disposal of Fermat, Mersenne, and Euler during the 16th and 17th Centuries, and as most of us know Pierre De Fermat defined or classified these characteristics in the first place. All three of these persons exploited these characteristics in one way or another, however all of these individuals failed to fully realize the fundamental closure principles embedded within the subtle operations for the mathematics of integers and therefore the genius of their own discoveries. I only stumbled upon this solution through the study of their work. This same strategy may possibly be employed to solve some of the greatest unsolved math problems in human history, including the pro engineering of Prime Numbers... I will explain later.

6. Euler's Theorem
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Euler's theorem
This article is about Euler's theorem in number theory. For other meanings, see List of topics named after Leonhard Euler
In number theory Euler's theorem (also known as the Fermat-Euler theorem or Euler's totient theorem ) states that if n is a positive integer and a is coprime to n , then where f( n ) is Euler's totient function and "... = ... (mod n )" denotes congruence modulo n The theorem is a generalization of Fermat's little theorem , and is further generalized by Carmichael's theorem The theorem may be used to easily reduce large powers modulo n . For example, consider finding the last decimal digit of 7 , i.e. 7 (mod 10). Note that 7 and 10 are coprime, and f(10) = 4. So Euler's theorem yields 7 = 1 (mod 10), and we get 7 = 49 = 9 (mod 10). In general, when reducing a power of a modulo n (where a and n are coprime ), one needs to work modulo f( n ) in the exponent of a
if x y (mod f( n )), then

7. Euler S Theorem
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