INEX: Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia (Hermann Joseph Muller) Future Birthright (SUNY Press, 1973). ISBN 0873950976. External links. http//; Hermann J. Muller Biography.
Muller, Hermann Joseph - MSN Encarta Translate this page Muller, Hermann Joseph (1890-1967), généticien américain, lauréat du prix Nobel, connu pour avoir réussi avec des rayons X à provoquer la mutation
Extractions: Message boards Post comment Hermann Joseph Muller ) was an American geneticist and educator. He was born in New York City and attended Columbia University , earning his B.A. in and his Ph.D. in . A student of Thomas Hunt Morgan , he taught at Rice Institute in Texas from 1915 until 1918, at Columbia from 1918 until 1920, and at the University of Texas from 1920 until 1933, when he became senior geneticist of the Institute of Genetics in Moscow , where he remained until 1937. In 1945, he became professor of zoology at Indiana University . His method for recognizing spontaneous gene mutation led to his discovery of a technique for artificially inducing mutations by means of X rays that has since had broad theoretical and practical application. For this discovery he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Muller, Hermann Joseph - MSN Encarta Translate this page Muller, Hermann Joseph (New York 1890 - Bloomington, Indiana 1967), genetista statunitense. Dopo la laurea in biologia, conseguita nel 1909 al
Extractions: var s_account="msnportalencartait"; MSN Home Hotmail My MSN Accedi ... Altro Hotmail Messenger Spaces Mobile Windows Live Amori e Incontri Annunci Aste online Borsa ... Altre risorse Reference Interattivit Dati e statistiche Altre risorse Encarta nel mondo Prodotti Passa a Microsoft Student® Guida Elementi correlati altro... Cerca in Encarta Cerca in Encarta informazioni su Muller, Hermann Joseph Articolo Trova nell'articolo Anteprima di stampa Invia Multimedia 1 elemento Muller, Hermann Joseph (New York 1890 - Bloomington, Indiana 1967), genetista statunitense. Dopo la laurea in biologia , conseguita nel 1909 al Columbia College di New York, si dedic² allâinsegnamento della fisiologia presso il Cornell Medical College. Nel 1915 si trasfer¬ a Houston, presso il Rice Institute, dove rimase fino al 1918 e dove inizi² gli studi sulle mutazioni Dal 1910 Muller aveva iniziato, tra lâaltro, a compiere ricerche sul moscerino della frutta Drosophila melanogaster , seguendo gli studi avviati dal biologo e genetista statunitense Thomas Hunt Morgan . In particolare, Muller si interess² alle interrelazioni esistenti tra
Hermann Joseph Muller External links. http// This article is from Wikipedia. All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free
Extractions: Main Page See live article Alphabetical index Hermann Joseph Muller ) was an American geneticist and educator. He was born in New York City and attended Columbia University , earning his B.A. in and his Ph.D. in . A student of Thomas Hunt Morgan , he taught at Rice Institute in Texas from 1915 until 1918, at Columbia from 1918 until 1920, and at the University of Texas from 1920 until 1933, when he became senior geneticist of the Institute of Genetics in Moscow , where he remained until 1937. In 1945, he became professor of zoology at Indiana University . His method for recognizing spontaneous gene mutation led to his discovery of a technique for artificially inducing mutations by means of X rays that has since had broad theoretical and practical application. For this discovery he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Kids.Net.Au - Encyclopedia Hermann Joseph Muller For this discovery he was awarded the 1946 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. external links. http//
Extractions: Encyclopedia Sponsors Encyclopedia > Hermann Joseph Muller Article Content Muller, Hermann Joseph ) American geneticist and educator, b. New York City, grad. Columbia (B.A., 1910; Ph.D., 1916). A student of Thomas Hunt Morgan, he taught (191518) at Rice Institute, Tex., at Columbia (191820), and at the Univ. of Texas from 1920 until he became senior geneticist (193337) of the Institute of Genetics in Moscow. In 1945 he became professor of zoology at Indiana Univ. His method for recognizing spontaneous gene mutation led to his discovery of a technique for artificially inducing mutations by means of X rays that has since had broad theoretical and practical application. For this discovery he was awarded the 1946 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine external links
Biology - Hermann Joseph Muller http// Categories 1890 births 1967 deaths Geneticists Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine winners
Extractions: Encyclopedia Dictionary Forums Weblinks ... Newsletter shortcuts ask a question suggest a weblink upload pictures publish articles ... Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine winners Hermann Joseph Muller December 21 April 5 ) was an American geneticist and educator. He was born in New York City and attended Columbia University , earning his B.A. in and his Ph.D. in . A student of Thomas Hunt Morgan , he taught at Rice Institute in Texas from 1915 until 1918, at Columbia from 1918 until 1920, and at the University of Texas from 1920 until 1932, when he moved to Germany , and later to Moscow (in 1934?), where he became senior geneticist of the Institute of Genetics in Moscow , where he remained until 1937. He then moved to Edinburgh. In 1945, he became professor of zoology at Indiana University . His method for recognizing spontaneous gene mutation led to his discovery of a technique for artificially inducing mutations by means of X rays that has since had broad theoretical and practical application. For this discovery he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Hermann Joseph Muller Externí odkazy. http// html. Toto je strojový p eklad lánku z encyklopedie Wikipedia.
Hermann Joseph Muller http// Source adapted by the editor from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia under a copyleft GNU Free Joseph M
Extractions: Philip M. Parker, INSEAD. Hermann Joseph Muller Definition: Hermann Joseph Muller . United States geneticist who studied the effects of X-rays on genes (1890-1967). Source: WordNet 1.7.1 Synonym: Hermann Joseph Muller Synonym: Muller (n). ( additional references Top Specialty Definition: Hermann Joseph Muller (From Wikipedia , the free Encyclopedia) Hermann Joseph Muller (1890â1967) was an American geneticist and educator. He was born in New York City and attended Columbia University, earning his B.A. in 1910 and his Ph.D. in 1916. A student of Thomas Hunt Morgan, he taught at Rice Institute in Texas from 1915 until 1918, at Columbia from 1918 until 1920, and at the University of Texas from 1920 until 1933, when he became senior geneticist of the Institute of Genetics in Moscow, where he remained until 1937. In 1945, he became professor of zoology at Indiana University. His method for recognizing spontaneous gene mutation led to his discovery of a technique for artificially inducing mutations by means of X rays that has since had broad theoretical and practical application. For this discovery he was awarded the 1946 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
Hermann Joseph Muller External link. http// Gunpei Yokoi Index. This page is based on the Wikipedia article Hermann Joseph Joseph Muller.htm
Extractions: Hermann Joseph Muller December 21 April 5 ) was an American Geneticist and educator. He was born in New York City and attended Columbia University , earning his B.A. in and his Ph.D. in . A student of Thomas Hunt Morgan , he taught at Rice Institute in Texas from 1915 until 1918, at Columbia from 1918 until 1920, and at the University of Texas from 1920 until 1932, when he moved to Germany , and later to Moscow (in 1934?), where he became senior geneticist of the Institute of Genetics in Moscow , where he remained until 1937. He then moved to Edinburgh. In 1945, he became professor of zoology at Indiana University . His method for recognizing spontaneous gene mutation led to his discovery of a technique for artificially inducing mutations by means of X rays that has since had broad theoretical and practical application. For this discovery he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine . In he was one of 11 to sign the Russell-Einstein Manifesto H. Bentley Glass
Hermann Joseph Muller External link. http// Related Products. Von der Königlichen Hofoper zur Staatsoper Unter den Linden
Hermann Joseph Muller - TvWiki, The Free Encyclopedia http//; Hermann J. Muller BiographyidHermann Joseph Muller. ptHermann Joseph Muller deHermann Joseph
Extractions: jose camero For other Hermann M¼llers: see Hermann M¼ller Hermann Joseph Muller December 21 April 5 ) was an American geneticist and educator. He was born in New York City and attended Columbia University , earning his B.A. in and his Ph.D. in . A student of Thomas Hunt Morgan , he taught at Rice Institute in Texas from 1915 until 1918, at Columbia from 1918 until 1920, and at the University of Texas from 1920 until 1932, when he moved to Germany , and later to Moscow (in 1934?), where he became senior geneticist of the Institute of Genetics in Moscow , where he remained until 1937. He then moved to Edinburgh. In 1945, he became professor of zoology at Indiana University . His method for recognizing spontaneous gene mutation led to his discovery of a technique for artificially inducing mutations by means of X rays that has since had broad theoretical and practical application. For this discovery he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine . In he was one of 11 to sign the Russell-Einstein Manifesto edit H. Bentley Glass
Hermann Joseph Muller External links. http// All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.
Extractions: Free Teacher Resources Teacher Supplies Gift Certificates Education Directory ... Edit this page Hermann Joseph Muller ) was an American geneticist and educator. He was born in New York City and attended Columbia University , earning his B.A. in and his Ph.D. in . A student of Thomas Hunt Morgan , he taught at Rice Institute in Texas from 1915 until 1918, at Columbia from 1918 until 1920, and at the University of Texas from 1920 until 1933, when he became senior geneticist of the Institute of Genetics in Moscow , where he remained until 1937. In 1945, he became professor of zoology at Indiana University . His method for recognizing spontaneous gene mutation led to his discovery of a technique for artificially inducing mutations by means of X rays that has since had broad theoretical and practical application. For this discovery he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Encyklopedia http//cr shunt.8b B ograf d chr shunt.8b Muller Muller Muller ja J Joseph Muller
Extractions: document.write(' '+''); sponsored links Herman Joseph Muller ( ) ialah ahli ɡenetika AS yanɡ menemukan pada bahwa mutasi dapat secara buatan disebabkan sinar X . Ini menunjukkan bahwa mutasi tidak lain daripada perubahan kimiawi . Ia mendapat Hadiah Nobel Fisioloɡi atau Kedokteran . Muller dilahirkan di NYC dan belajar di Columbia . Pada Muller menemukan bahwa tinɡkat mutasi bertambah karena tekanan, dan bahwa tekanan tak selalu mempenɡaruhi kromosom dalam pasanɡan kromosom. Dari sini ia menyimpulkan bahwa mutasi melibatkan perubahan pada tinɡkat molekul atau submolekul . Lalu ia meneliti denɡan sinar X sebaɡai cara menyebabkan mutasi, dan dari 1926 ia telah membuktikan keberhasilan metode itu. Penelitian Muller meyakinkan bahwa hampir seluruh mutasi bersifat menɡɡanɡɡu. Menurut pendapatnya, alam waktu biasa dari evolusi , mutan yanɡ menɡɡanɡɡu habis dan sedikit keɡunaan 1 hidup, namun ia percaya bahwa jika tinɡkat mutasi terlalu tinɡɡi, jumlah individu tak sempurna bisa menjadi terlalu besar untuk spesies sebaɡai keseluruhan untuk hidup lebih lama. Pada ia menjadi anɡɡota Universitas Texas Austin , kemudian menjadi profesor zooloɡi . Muller berɡerak terhadap tiada ɡunanya sinar X dalam diaɡnosis dan perawatan, dan menekankan pada peraturan keselamatan untuk memastikan oranɡ yanɡ secara berkala tersinari pada sinar X cukup terlindunɡi. Ia juɡa menentanɡ uji
Hermann Joseph Muller In TutorGig Encyclopedia http// Muller, Hermann Joseph; http// Hermann J. Muller ?
Extractions: Hermann Joseph Muller Encyclopedia Search: in Tutorials Encyclopedia Dictionary Entire Web Store Tutorials Encyclopedia Dictionary Web ... Email this to a friend 'Hermann Joseph Muller December 21 April 5 ) was an American geneticist and educator. He was born in New York City and attended Columbia University , earning his B.A. in and his Ph.D. in , also having pursued graduate study at Cornell University in 1911-12. A student of Thomas Hunt Morgan , he taught at Rice Institute in Texas from 1915 until 1918, at Columbia from 1918 until 1920, and at The University of Texas from 1920 until 1932, when he moved to Germany , and later to Moscow (in 1934?), where he became senior geneticist of the Institute of Genetics in Moscow , where he remained until 1937. He then moved to Edinburgh. When he came back to the United States, he worked as a untenured professor at Amherst College from . In 1945, he became professor of zoology at Indiana University His method for recognizing spontaneous gene mutation led to his discovery of a technique for artificially inducing mutations by means of X rays that has since had broad theoretical and practical application. For this discovery he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine . In he was one of 11 to sign the Russell-Einstein Manifesto H. Bentley Glass
Hermann Joseph Muller External links. http// Wikipedia All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation
Extractions: Hermann Joseph Muller ) was an American geneticist and educator. He was born in New York City and attended Columbia University , earning his B.A. in and his Ph.D. in . A student of Thomas Hunt Morgan , he taught at Rice Institute in Texas from 1915 until 1918, at Columbia from 1918 until 1920, and at the University of Texas from 1920 until 1933, when he became senior geneticist of the Institute of Genetics in Moscow , where he remained until 1937. In 1945, he became professor of zoology at Indiana University . His method for recognizing spontaneous gene mutation led to his discovery of a technique for artificially inducing mutations by means of X rays that has since had broad theoretical and practical application. For this discovery he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Encyklopedia http// rishunt.8bit. Biografi di hrishunt.8bit. Muller Muller Muller ja J Joseph Muller
Extractions: document.write(' '+''); sponsored links Herman Joseph Muller ( ) ialah ahli genetika AS yang menemukan pada bahwa mutasi dapat secara buatan disebabkan sinar X . Ini menunjukkan bahwa mutasi tidak lain daripada perubahan kimiawi . Ia mendapat Hadiah Nobel Fisiologi atau Kedokteran . Muller dilahirkan di NYC dan belajar di Columbia . Pada Muller menemukan bahwa tingkat mutasi bertambah karena tekanan, dan bahwa tekanan tak selalu mempengaruhi kromosom dalam pasangan kromosom. Dari sini ia menyimpulkan bahwa mutasi melibatkan perubahan pada tingkat molekul atau submolekul . Lalu ia meneliti dengan sinar X sebagai cara menyebabkan mutasi, dan dari 1926 ia telah membuktikan keberhasilan metode itu. Penelitian Muller meyakinkan bahwa hampir seluruh mutasi bersifat mengganggu. Menurut pendapatnya, alam waktu biasa dari evolusi , mutan yang mengganggu habis dan sedikit kegunaan 1 hidup, namun ia percaya bahwa jika tingkat mutasi terlalu tinggi, jumlah individu tak sempurna bisa menjadi terlalu besar untuk spesies sebagai keseluruhan untuk hidup lebih lama. Pada ia menjadi anggota Universitas TeÑ as Austin , kemudian menjadi profesor zoologi . Muller bergerak terhadap tiada gunanya sinar X dalam diagnosis dan perawatan, dan menekankan pada peraturan keselamatan untuk memastikan orang yang secara berkala tersinari pada sinar X cukup terlindungi. Ia juga menentang uji
Hermann Joseph Muller http// All encyclopedia content is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.
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