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Sato Eisaku - Biocrawler From Biocrawler. Eisaku Sato. Retrieved from http//www.biocrawler. com/encyclopedia/sato_eisaku . Wikipedia (http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page) http://www.biocrawler.com/w/index.php?title=Sato_Eisaku&redirect=no
Sato Eisaku Sato Eisaku (1901 1975) Prime minister of Japan between 1964 and 1972, who presided over Japan s post-World War II reemergence as a major world power. http://peace.nobel.brainparad.com/sato_eisaku.html
Extractions: Prime minister of Japan between 1964 and 1972, who presided over Japan's post-World War II reemergence as a major world power. For his policies on nuclear weapons, which led to Japan's signing of the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, he was awarded (with cowinner Sean MacBride) the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1974. After graduating with a degree in law from Tokyo Imperial University (now University of Tokyo) in 1924, Sato joined the Ministry of Railways, becoming the chief of its bureau of control in 1941 and vice-minister for transportation in 1948. That same year he joined the Liberal Party and was elected in 1949 to the lower house of the Diet (parliament). Becoming minister of construction in 1952, he resigned his post the following year to become chief secretary of the Liberal Party. When the Liberal Party was merged with the Democratic Party, Sato became one of the leading members of the new coalition called the Liberal-Democratic Party. During the late 1950s he served as minister of finance in the cabinet of his older brother and political mentor, Kishi Nobusuke. Kishi was succeeded in 1960 by Ikeda Hayato, in whose cabinet Sato also served. After Ikeda resigned because of ill health, the Diet in November 1964 chose Sato as his successor. As prime minister Sato presided over the continued growth of the Japanese economy and the improvement of Japanese relations with other Asian countries. Although Sato increased Japanese trade with mainland China to some extent, China distrusted his policies toward Taiwan and his support of the United States cause in the Vietnam War. In 1969 Sato reached an agreement with U.S. President Richard M. Nixon for future return of the Ryukyu Islands to Japan, the removal of all nuclear weapons from the area, and the continued maintenance of the U.S.-Japanese Mutual Security Treaty. Sato came under heavy criticism for provisions in the agreement that allowed U.S. military forces to remain on Okinawa Island after its return to Japan.
Biography Center : Biographies Of Eisaku Sato In Biographies of Sato Eisaku and, for more detail Biography of , , www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1974/index.html, http://www.biography-center.com/biographies/2914-Sato_Eisaku.html
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Sato Eisaku - MSN Encarta Sato Eisaku (19011975), Japanese statesman and Nobel laureate, born in Tabuse. Sato received a law degree from Tokyo Imperial University in 1924 and http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761561959/sato_eisaku.html
Extractions: var s_account="msnportalencarta"; MSN home Mail My MSN Sign in ... more Hotmail Messenger My MSN MSN Directory Air Tickets/Travel Autos City Guides Election 2008 ... More Additional Reference Materials Thesaurus Translations Multimedia Other Resources Education Resources Math Help Foreign Language Help Project Planner ... Help Related Items more... Encarta Search Search Encarta about Sato Eisaku Also on Encarta 7 tips for funding an online degree How to succeed in the fashion industry without being a top designer Presidential Myths Quiz Advertisement Encyclopedia Article Find Print E-mail Blog It Multimedia 1 item Sato Eisaku (1901-1975), Japanese statesman and Nobel laureate, born in Tabuse. Sato received a law degree from Tokyo Imperial University in 1924 and joined the ministry of railways. He was elected to the lower house of the Diet in 1948 as a Liberal and later served in several cabinet posts. In 1964 he became prime minister. Under Sato's guidance the country continued to grow as a major power. In 1969 he signed a treaty with the United States for the return of the Ryūkyū Islands to Japan and removal of U.S. nuclear weapons from the region, but he was forced to resign in 1972 because he had allowed some U.S. forces to remain on Okinawa. He was awarded the 1974 Nobel Peace Prize for his role in the conclusion of a nuclear nonproliferation pact. More from Encarta Offer: Live online homework help Math, Science, History and English
Online Dictionary Of Politics And Media In Japan: Sato Eisaku Japanese dictionary of words related to politics and media, with a tool to send queries to Japanese search engines without translation. http://www.docoja.com:8080/jisho/mainword?dbname=polg&mainword=Sato_Eisaku
Sato Eisaku - 61st, 62nd And 63rd Prime Minister Of Japan Home Travel Tokyo Travel Guide Culture Art Music History Entertainment Food Geography. Kanji Shopping Language Recommended Reviews http://www.japan-101.com/government/sato_eisaku.htm
Extractions: Home Travel Tokyo Travel Guide Culture ... Anime Japan's Government Back Home Up Next Max Results Most Accurate Sato Eisaku - 61st, 62nd and 63rd Prime Minister of Japan Sato Eisaku He was born in Tabuse in Yamaguchi prefecture, and studied law at Tokyo Imperial University, becoming a civil servant in the Ministry of Railways. In 1948, he was named vice-minister for transportation. He entered the Diet in 1949 as a member of the Liberal Party, and gradually rose through the ranks of Japanese politics, becoming Chief Cabinet Secretary to Yoshida Shigeru, and in 1952, minister of construction. After the Liberal Party merged with the Democratic Party to form the Liberal Democratic Party, Sato became Minister of Finance in the governments of Kishi Nobusuke (his brother) and Ikeda Hayato. Sato succeeded Ikeda after the latter resigned due to ill health. His government was one of the longest-lived in Japanese history, and by the late 1960's he appeared to have single-handed control over the entire Japanese government. He was a popular prime minister due to the growing economy; his foreign policy, which was a balancing act between the interests of the United States and China, was more tenuous. In 1969, Sato struck a deal with U.S. president Richard Nixon to repatriate Okinawa and remove its nuclear weaponry: this deal was controversial because it allowed the U.S. forces in Japan to maintain bases in Okinawa after repatriation.
Extractions: Sato_and_Nixon_1972.gif Sato negotiated with U.S. president Richard M. Nixon for the repatriation of Okinawa March 27 June 3 ) was a Japanese politician and the 61st, 62nd and 63rd Prime Minister of Japan , elected on November 9 , and re-elected on February 17 and January 14 , serving until July 7 He was born in Tabuse Yamaguchi Prefecture , and studied law at Tokyo Imperial University , becoming a civil servant in the Ministry of Railways. In , he was named vice-minister for transportation. He entered the Diet in as a member of the Liberal Party , and gradually rose through the ranks of Japanese politics, becoming Chief Cabinet Secretary to Yoshida Shigeru , and in , minister of construction. After the Liberal Party merged with the Democratic Party to form the Liberal Democratic Party Kishi Nobusuke (his brother) and Hayato Ikeda 1960's he appeared to have single-handed control over the entire Japanese government. He was a popular prime minister due to the growing economy; his foreign policy, which was a balancing act between the interests of the United States and China , was more tenuous. In
Online Japanese Dictionary Online Japanese dictionary. This is the online Japanese dictionary developed by Free Light Software. By using our tool, you can find easily equivalent http://www.docoja.com/cgi-bin/mainwordj?polg Sato_Eisaku dico/polgifg
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Extractions: var fSendSelectEvents = true; var fSendExpandCollapseEvents = true; var fCallDisplayUAText = false; var s_account="msnportalencartacaen"; Home Hotmail Spaces Video ... more Hotmail Messenger My Page Sympatico Mail Autos Careers Classifieds Entertainment ... More Reference Thesaurus Translation Multimedia Other Resources Top-10 List Language Help Products Guides ... Help Related Items from Encarta Sato Eisaku improved relations with Asian neighbors Okinawa returns to Japanese control picture of Sato Eisaku Japan ... , island nation in East Asia, located in the North Pacific Ocean off the coast of the Asian continent. Japan comprises the four main islands of ... View article Privacy Statement Advertise Worldwide Feedback ... Help
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Sato Eisaku McFLY. Title page. Sato Eisaku. redirect Eisaku Sato. The McFLY Encyclopedia is based on Wikipedia. See McFly copyrights for more info. http://en.mcfly.org/Sato_Eisaku
Sato Eisaku - WIEM, Darmowa Encyklopedia Sato Eisaku (19011975), polityk japo ski. Cz onek Partii Liberalnej (od 1950 sekretarz generalny), nast pnie Partii LiberalnoDemokratycznej http://portalwiedzy.onet.pl/77720,,,,sato_eisaku,haslo.html
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Wiki Eisaku Sat Wiki Eisaku Sat . Eisaku Sato Eisaku Sato. Eisaku Sat ( ; Sat Eisaku) (lahir 27 Maret 1901, meninggal 3 Juni 1975) adalah seorang politikus Jepang http://wapedia.mobi/id/Sato_Eisaku
Extractions: Eisaku Sato Eisaku SatÅ SatÅ Eisaku ) (lahir 27 Maret , meninggal 3 Juni ) adalah seorang politikus Jepang SatÅ adalah PM Jepang dalam 3 kali masa jabatan: ia menjabat untuk pertama kalinya antara 9 November , kemudian 17 Februari dan yang terakhir 14 Januari . Ia mundur pada tanggal 7 Juli Ia menerima Penghargaan Perdamaian Nobel bersama dengan Sean MacBride pada tahun Didahului oleh:
Sato Eisaku - Information At Halfvalue.com It uses material from the Wikipedia article sato_eisaku . More from Wikipedia. Wikitionary information about Sato Eisaku This article is licensed under the http://www.halfvalue.com/wiki.jsp?topic=Sato_Eisaku
Dictionnaire En Ligne De Politique Et Média Au Japon Sato Eisaku Translate this page Dictionnaire japonais de mots relatif à politique et média avec un outil d interroger des moteurs japonais sans savoir la traduction. http://www.webdico.com:8080/jisho/mainword?dbname=polf&mainword=Sato_Eisaku