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         Particle Physics:     more books (99)
  1. Introduction to High Energy Physics by Donald H. Perkins, 2000-04-24
  2. Nuclear and Particle Physics: An Introduction by Professor Brian Martin, 2006-04-28
  3. Group Theory for the Standard Model of Particle Physics and Beyond (Series in High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation) by Ken J. Barnes, 2010-03-10
  4. Introduction to Nuclear And Particle Physics: Solutions Manual for Second Edition of Text by Das and Ferbel by C. Bromberg, A Das, et all 2006-08-25
  5. An Introduction to Particle Physics and the Standard Model by Robert Mann, 2009-11-18
  6. QCD and Collider Physics (Cambridge Monographs on Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics and Cosmology) by R. K. Ellis, W. J. Stirling, et all 2003-12-04
  7. Charged Particle Traps: Physics and Techniques of Charged Particle Field Confinement (Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics) by Fouad G. Major, Viorica N. Gheorghe, et all 2010-11-30
  8. Cosmic Rays And Particle Physics by Thomas K. Gaisser, 1990
  9. Gauge Theory of Elementary Particle Physics: Problems and Solutions by Ta-Pei Cheng, Ling-Fong Li, 2000-05-04
  10. Introduction To The Physics Of Particle Accelerators by Mario Conte, William W MacKay, 2008-04-28
  11. Particle Detectors (Cambridge Monographs on Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics and Cosmology) by Claus Grupen, Boris Shwartz, 2008-04-21
  12. Particle Astrophysics, Second Edition (Oxford Master Series in Physics) by D.H. Perkins, 2009-02-04
  13. Particle Accelerator Physics by Helmut Wiedemann, 2007-06-12
  14. Experimental Techniques in Nuclear and Particle Physics by Stefaan Tavernier, 2010-02-19

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